CMSF PBEM 3days max



I would like to play PBEM CMSF (all modules) with someone. I don't care about size, units, side, or other... I have only one condition:
"Player must return his move in 3 days. If he don't, he loses on time. Exceptions (vacations, works etc.) can be earlier announce to opponent, for period up to 30 days."
So if you agree to this 3days-per-move rule, contact me to play, if not, please respect my time, and find another.

I have only one condition:
"Player must return his move in 3 days. If he don't, he loses on time..."

I accept your '3-day' challenge.

I have all the module gubbings, dropbox, etc.

Send a file and let's get started.
..and we're off. File sent and dropbox setup.

Good luck.
Propuh, Im up as usual, how are? our last engagement have at leat 2 years ago? at WAW? remember?
Hey, Aulette, old buddy, how are you...
Yea, we have nice fighting years ago.
I even have movie from our fight:

If you want we can play again, just one rule: "3 days per move", and if we start and you not respond in 3 days (except vacation and real life issues), you will lose on time, and I will report as my win.
I wont send you flares, I'll shoot you with mortar shell.
How things going on Brasil? here is really hot now. up to 40 C.
I have one more place for one game, anyone for PBEM (3-day) game?
Great, I can accept for sure your 3 day challenge if we can set a scenario asap from now, as I have a lot of time to play this weekend, but will have to stop for 10 days 14 Jul ahead. Them, choosed some thing more fast and lighter
I recently finished two games, anyone else willing to fight?
I would like to try Germans vs US quick battle, but I can play something else.

Invitation is open, so if you want to play, contact me.

Scenario: UK H2H Brit Arm Inf Vs Rep Guard Forces
Module: British
Moves: 32/30
Blue (British Army): eniced72
Red (Syrian Rep.Guard): propuh
Map: 1008x608, Open, Medium
Type: Meeting engagement
Time: 3 days per move
PBEM exchange: H2HH
Started: 26.06.2012.
Finished: 11.07.2012.


First ten minutes:


Scenario: UK H2H Brit Mech Plt vs UnCon
Module: British
Moves: 32/30
Blue (British Army): Underfire
Red (Syrian UnCo): propuh
Map: 640X526, Open, Small
Type: Blue Assault
Time: 3 days per move
PBEM exchange: H2HH
Started: 02.07.2012.
Finished: 12.07.2012.

I recently finished two games, anyone else willing to fight?
I would like to try Germans vs US quick battle, but I can play something else.

Invitation is open, so if you want to play, contact me.

Propuh. Enjoyed the last one so if you are still interested go ahead and set another up. I am on vacation starting Monday until Saturday. I will be without a computer so the game will have to wait until then. Later.
I recently finished two games, anyone else willing to fight?
I would like to try Germans vs US quick battle, but I can play something else.

Invitation is open, so if you want to play, contact me.
The QB system sucks so I would avoid that if possible. Our last game was a QB and look what we both ended up with. I picked a scenario that is supposed to be OK H2H. It is US vs Dutch and German forces. I set up a DB and sent you an invite. If you do not like the units or map let me know and we can search for another.
The QB system sucks so I would avoid that if possible. Our last game was a QB and look what we both ended up with. I picked a scenario that is supposed to be OK H2H. It is US vs Dutch and German forces. I set up a DB and sent you an invite. If you do not like the units or map let me know and we can search for another.
OK, when you return from vacation, we'll start.
I'll play u Propuh.. set something up and send it over. Be warned tho. I suck at CMSF

I'll be glad to play with boss. But as you can see in last two games, I suck as well :)

Usually when I play with someone, one of us choses scenario, other one side in that scenario.
So I want to play, if you didn't played it, 35 min ingame scenario
UK H2H Brit Arm Mix vs Syr Arm Mix
so chose side, and I'll send first move.
or we can try QB Brits vs Germans, but as Eniced said QB system in CMSF is shitty, but maybe it will be good when equal forces meet.
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