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the Cheese thread

Meat Grinder

FGM Lieutenant General
Apr 4, 2015
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I love cheese. No, I LOVE cheese, and I think cheese deserves it's own FGM thread. My wife always keeps a couple of blocks of sharp cheddar in the fridge for us to snack on with some crackers. I recently bought a pound of "Ghost Pepper cheese" from a local Amish grocer. That stuff was HOT, but I enjoyed it.

As some of you know, I've been playing a lot of the Battle Brothers computer game recently. In this game, as in real life, you have to keep your men supplied with provisions, meaning food. If you just buy the same food all the time, they become disgruntled, so it's good to buy a variety of different foods. One of the available foods in the game is goat cheese.

OpenGL Developer Profile Screenshot 2019.04.05 -

It occurred to me that I have never personally tried goat cheese, so I instructed my wife to look for it the next time she visited the grocery store. The following week, she brought home this:

goat cheese.jpeg

I loved it! Smooth and creamy, with a nice flavor, this is my new favorite cheese.
Danish Havarti & Dutch Gouda are fine creamy cheeses produced with very pleasant variations; smoked, dill, etc. Go well with good lager beers . . . :cheerso:

I do not like goat cheese....at all. Maybe because the only time I had it was in Kuwait. I dunno. However, I recently had some aged Irish Cheddar. THAT is now my favorite cheese.

I suspect what you had in Kuwait may have had a different flavor and texture than what I experienced from my local Ingles in east Tennessee. I will put aged Irish Cheddar on my bucket list.
Love my cheeses, just not a gourmet - too much fun-living in my past (!!???).
OTOH: I really appreciate British cheeses after living in forrin lands in the past.

Crumbly cheeses such as Wensleydale, Lancashire & Cheshire are delightful.
Cornish Yarg is a great hard cheese too.
Double Gloucster & Red Leicster are great for cooking with as well as biscuits.

And these are just the easily available cheeses, (most local stores small supermarkets etc stock them.)