Round Four

Battle over! Major victory for Americans from Gargol, congratulations (y) I didn't even manage to reach a single trench, when Captain Ludwig von Stiegel just wanted to cross the map to take a bath in Tobruk ...
Four battles completed at this point.
Approx. half of the battles, Germans are having Limited success
Half not so much.

So all remaining fights need to just fight for every unit and inch of ground possible.

Its going to be interesting to see what might be a winning half of the group to a losing half of players in this battle.
Update, Of the 7 remaining battles 4 are on a great pace and three are running slow.

Since its almost August. A good minimum should have been file # 32 at this point

Before you get worked up, I know we have had vacations, work issues and other items affect a few battles.

I am not concerned with the 3 slower battles. I just wanted to remind you all as to what it might take to get back on pace.

Also just to let everyone have a update.

For sure we will be starting the Final round come September.

The final battle should go a little quicker since the amount of units is fewer than what you have seen in most of the battles.
What part of we are on pace for a september start of round 5 have you not understood.
4 remaining games are progressing nicely.
One game has been on hold, but was ahead of the others, I am hoping that is due to a vacation or something. (have not heard from them)
but things are fine, battles are in the heat of it for most of those playing, tide can turn either way for some.

And you can expect round 5 in September.
The 7th match just completed.

Sspoom has just posted the best Usa score so the standings now look like this

Top three Germans so far are
Mirekm61, then Bleskaceq and then Raskol

Top Three Americans
Sspoom then Kgpanther, then dkchapuis

Laurent22 vs cargol battle is now on the bubble

4 remaining battles out
fastest is at file 48
slowest at file 31
Unmitigated disaster!!!! That pretty much sums it up for I played so badly.....and my opponent defended so well....I was basically out of it 4-5 turns in. Well done @sspoom!!!! You did a fantastic job completely wrecking me.

Heck of a scenario challenge @SlySniper ! Kudos to all you playing as Germans who have managed to make something of it.

Looking forward to the next game!
"Laurent22 vs cargol battle is now on the bubble"
Sorry @SlySniper, I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence (I don't speak english very well). Did you receive the end of our pbem with the table of the final result (Major victory of Cargol, with my turn n° 63)?
"Laurent22 vs cargol battle is now on the bubble"
Sorry @SlySniper, I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence (I don't speak english very well). Did you receive the end of our pbem with the table of the final result (Major victory of Cargol, with my turn n° 63)?

All that means is out of the 7 games, you are right in the middle on scoring. So it means that depending on the remaining games to score, the victory could go either way as to who will win in your battle because of the scoring.

Sorry for my American Slang. Likely is in there alot as to what I say.
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