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Chilling Footage Of A B-17 Going Down

I think this vid coming from this film : "Menphis Belle"

Another very interesting documentary about 8th Air Force is "Target for tonight"

With the benefit of hindsight, the old strategy of the 'Bomber will always get through' that both sides employed at varying times of the war was a bloody and cruel joke for all those involved.
A bloody mistake indeed...
I currently finishing reading "Master of the Air" (D.L. Miller).
I was suprised how much the top leaders of USAAF (Arnold, Eaker...) strongly believed that "heavies" could wipe out the luftwaffe without any escort fighter.

This book is particularly interesting, I recommend the reading.
And a belief that nearly broke the back of the 8th during the Fall Crisis in late 1943. Incidentally, the start of the blackest chapter in that crisis has an anniversary tomorrow, 17 Aug; the first raid on Schweinfurt-Regensburg:
