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Cross of Iron Campaign shutting down

Regret to announce that to a intense RL issues and work pressure over most of this year so far, (combined with a bit of CM burn-out) I am basically abandoning most of my campaign/tourney work and shutting down campaigns like "Cross of Iron" that have been basically lying dormant for several months now.

Just don't have the time and focus at the moment to carry on managing all the behind the scenes work it takes to keep these going ...

It's been fun when it was working well and thanks to all the participating players.
I really liked this kind of campaign and enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for this interesting format. On the other hand I see the tremendous workload of the tourney master and respect your decision to ring down the curtain on this. The impact of RL will always affect the efforts to keep going such a demanding format (till the end). Not just for the tourney master but as well for the participating players since they have to deliver a fast-pace game to make it fun for every one... Lets restart this again when we are all retired...:salute: ;)