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Gio anni

Hi All
I'd like to play a game of RT where I defend as Russian. To make thinks tougher for the germans I propose a -10% for the attacker and no planes in a medim set up.
To make things more interesting I could also play it as a mirror game switching side to see waht comes out if my opponents so desire.
Anybody game?
I like a good challenge. I use this system in my Domination campaign where the attack in some cases suffers from a -10%.

You are on!
I would like mixed units, elite setting, I do not use H2HH, I do use Dropbox.
Invite me for DB. My email is know when you press the envolope.

Mirrored is not needed.
Looking forward to it mate!

Edit: are you registered on the ladder? If so would you like a ladder game?
Cool! I noticed you are Italian so we are in the same time zone. I'm at work atm. I'll return the file this evening.