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FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
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GST - GESELLSCHAFT FÜR SPORT UND TECHNIK / society for sports and technique

That organisation was thought to educate its members basically for the duty with the armed forces of the GDR (German Democratic Republic). The GST was founded in 1952 as a paramilitary youth organisation. Girls, boys and even adults could get training and education there for for example of Motocross, Parachuting ...

Diving ...

Off-Road, Tank driving sometimes, Vehicle driving ...

Riflery with KK MPi 69 ...

sailplane flying and so on. The teached area was a wide variety. You were teached physically and intellectual. Healthiness, or at least what was taken therefor, was an important topic. The GST performed its education on schools, companies, universities, factories and so on. All what was needed to form the soldier of tomorrow.
You hadn´t to be member of the GST to use the offers but it was needed to take part on the pre-military education if You want to study or to make an education. But over the time the military character went lost - another case of to low money.
The organisation realised weir camps, marches and cross courses and so on. But the main part of the members wasn´t interested in military things anymore. In 1979 the organisation had about 500.000 members and about 10.000 local sections.
If one did well with the education recruiter of the NVA, the MfS (secret police) or the VP (People´s Police) accosted You. Then one had the choice what one wanted to do later after graduating from school. For example: If one was a good parachutist one could become a paratrooper later. If You was good in parachuting and diving and Your health was great one could become a undersea diver. If one was a good motocross-driver You could do duty as dispatch rider or scout/spotter. And so on.
What made a stale taste was the socialism political education what was an inherent part - the compulsory subject - over all the years. The always same phrases and slogans made one tired and impatient if one had a bit of a brain. The info in that wasn´t wrong but too political and hate raking.

KAMPFGRUPPEN DER ARBEITERKLASSE / combat groups of the working class

NVA - NATIONALE VOLKSARMEE / national people´s army
- Heer/Landstreitkräfte (Army)
- Marine (Navy)
- Luftstreitkräfte/Luftverteidigung (Airforce/Aerial Defense)

VP - VOLKSPOLIZEI / people´s police

TRAPO - TRANSPORTPOLIZEI / transportation police

KVP - KASERNIERTE VOLKSPOLIZEI / barracked people´s police

GRENZTRUPPEN / border troops

ZV - ZIVILVERTEIDIGUNG / civil defense

KASERNIERTE EINHEITEN DES MDI / barracked forces of the ministry of the interior

MFS - MINISTERIUM FÜR STAATSSICHERHEIT / ministry for safety of the state
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