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Fact..Pin back your lug Holes

Ya, Jesus... Quite a cool chap, eh?

A man who spoke direct, brutal honesty to a world of Self-deceivers...

Did they hear him?.... No, they couldn't. They couldn't surrender their Delusions, let go of their Fear, give up their Illusions for Reality...

So we killed him, the Global We, through every individual act of willful dishonesty, through every word spoken with no wisdom, through every unconscious abiding of injustice... We killed him because we weren't ready... "No thanks, not ready yet, I prefer to cling on to my cherished illusions which your threatening to shatter... But I'm such a coward, I haven't the stomach to kill you myself, so I'll just stand idly by while the Centurions do my dirty work for me... I'll smile a secret smile after they crucify the blathering maniac who believes there's more to existence then this physical world... Thank you Caesar for safeguarding me here, my Earthly protector, my Lord, my Master, my Saviour... "

It's really Fear of Death that keeps people Clinging... Well, don't sweat it, because you'll survive death. You'll be a You unrecognizable, a You beyond anything imaginable on Earth, a You unlimbered from the Limitations of Mind, but quintessentially You: A central center of expression and experience...

Best not quibble about the afterlife though, Why not spend your energy, while you can, Here and Now, building the Kingdom of God HERE on EARTH??

With every breath, every act, every moment... Honor Him through selfless, charitable, good heartened acts, not as an afterthought to selfish accumulation, but as the central focus of Self-directed living...

...And most importantly, never lose your sense of humor:
The short answer is- nobody knows but God whether somebody qualifies to get through the pearlies, whether or not they've heard of Jesus..:)
For example over the years I've known hundreds of so-called 'christians', but I'd estimate only about 5% of them are true christians who really know Jesus, i kid you not.

Even the apostle Paul, one of the greatest christians of all said-"Although I feel i'm a good christian, that doesn't make me one in God's eyes, only he knows if any of us shape up properly" (1 Cor 4:3)

As regards the mentally handicapped, who's to say they haven't found Jesus within themselves?

God sees things differently to us, for example who did Jesus say was the greatest man ever to be born?
Some famous King maybe? Or one of the ancient prophets? A wise philosopher or mystic holy man perhaps?
Jesus's cousin John was a young unemployed world-rejecter living rough in the middle of nowhere eating wild food and dressed in near-rags, sometimes going in town to yell insults at the snooty priests and corrupt rulers.
Jesus's verdict on him? -
"John is the greatest man ever to be born" (Matt 11:11)

That being said, than far be it for any of us, to make any kind of statements about who might or might not get through the 'pearlies'. If anything, we should focus on our own lives, and lead by example. Spread the word, but don't preach. If the message is true, then people will head. No one likes anything force fed upon them. In the end, it is between each of us and our maker.
According to who?
According toJesus of the new testament and the god of the universe who inspired the word.

Regardless of source, this statement cannot withstand scrutiny. This statement assumes EVERY person in the world has been exposed to the words of Jesus, and said no thank you.
Scrutiney of what or who? No it is a statement of the scriptures like it or not...and everyone does not have to hear about Jesus( not in the scriptures.

No one can possibly believe that is the case. For the last two thousand years every person who has been born and died who never heard of Jesus, or Christianity is doomed? Is rejected? Not the compassionate God I was raised to believe in.
How great a compassion does God have to have ...He allowed His Son to die for all the sins of the world. Many hear and don't believe and many would not believe even if He raised people from the dead.

Aren't all people God's children?
No...only those who have excepted Christ as Saviour and are living rightieous lives can be the children of God.
That being said, than far be it for any of us, to make any kind of statements about who might or might not get through the 'pearlies'.
We don't make those statements the scripture does/God through the scriptures.

If anything, we should focus on our own lives, and lead by example.
I agree 100% with this thought.

Spread the word, but don't preach
We have to preach...jesus commands it..."Go into all the world preaching, baptising and making disciples.
Paul says " faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

message is true, then people will head. No one likes anything force fed upon them. In the end, it is between each of us and our maker.

I agree
We don't make those statements the scripture does/God through the scriptures.

I agree 100% with this thought.

We have to preach...jesus commands it..."Go into all the world preaching, baptising and making disciples.
Paul says " faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

I agree

I meant not to preach in the negative, over-bearing, holier-than-thou sense. I believe people need to make their own choices, and not be force-fed. Unless they do so willingly, nothing they say or do will mean anything unless they willingly accept the message.
I can not make a believer out of anyone...willing or not...it is God working through His Spirit that does it. You are right here also then.

The bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. Makes me want to brake out in song....you gotta have faith faith...
..We have to preach...jesus commands it..

He told his disciples to do it, but whether it applies to the rest of us is debatable.
For example monks shut themselves away in monasteries and have nothing to do with preaching.
The balanced view seems to be preach if you feel it's your calling, otherwise don't.
As Noah might say-"Whatever floats your boat"..
Jesus also said make sure your own house is in order first before even thinking of preaching to others, and even then don't force yourself on anybody.
A good approach is simply to answer peoples questions, they ask, we answer..;)