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favorite Game of Thrones scenes

Read the first 5 (?) books as they came out, loved them, but .... Will one day - probably.... (maybe)

@Zinzan While I admire the whole "I refuse to give in to peer pressure" thing (to this day I have never watched "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial"), I urge you to watch Game of Thrones, when you can find the time. It is, without a doubt, the best written, best produced, and best acted television series I have ever seen. And yes, the novels are great also.
Hi @Meat Grinder

Never watched ET either - I refused then and I refuse now, then because of too much advertising - now because it CAN'T be as good as everyone says :) (plus he's a stubborn bugger).

Game of Thrones OTOH I want to watch, am plowing through Breaking Bad when I get time atm (2-3 episodes a week at best) and GoT is next, assuming I can find it somewhere. Due to choppping and changing TV/Internet providers (Various fights with larger ones over cost & crap service - surprise) I currently can't watch it. Also not bothered to check until I have the time.

Might be a case of getting the DVD's/DL'ing full lot one day and binging.

I'm a massive Fantasy & Sci-Fi fan and love the idea that we finally have an adult Fantasy series to watch. Can't wait.
I remember the day I heard HBO was bringing Game of Thrones to TV. I was also an avid reader of the books, starting way back in 1995 (I think). I remember saying to myself that there was no possible way this was going to be any good, and even capture a tiny bit of the spirit of the books. I was vastly wrong on both accounts. Now I worry that the show has ruined the book series for me, all though a part of me thinks George RR is going to go with a different ending then the show.