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HOA_KSOP's Favorite YouTube Channels - What are yours?


FGM Major
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Heart of America
So here are a few of my favorite YouTube channels.

"The View From The Turret" - an excellent collection of histories and book reviews by none other than Bootie. Plus, if you view and comment you might win some lootie. No, seriously, Shane has some very interesting episodes. Well worth your time to subscribe and watch.

"Squire - The Gentleman Gamer" - Do you like Monty Python? Brit humor at it's best, making fun of, you guessed it, computer games.

"Mark Felton Productions" - Nice 15 - 30-minute historical documentaries. Some of you have discovered this channel on your own.

"Animated Stats" - Who would have known how fascinating animated bar graphs could be.

"The_Chieftan" - Want an opinion and history about tanks, this is the guy to see.

"Military History Visualized" - As the title implies, historical topics discussed through graphics. A ton of topics. Of interest to me, the ones on WW2 tactics.

"Military Aviation History" - Highlights historical aircraft, all eras.

"Navy Reviewer" - Highlights various WW2 ship classes.

"The Mighty Jingles" - Best game commentator around ...or one of them anyway. His comments and laugh are legendary. He has been building models lately...

I have many more and I will share them in the future. What are some of your favorites?
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I'll just give a small sample:

Thanks for bringing this topic up. I needed to do a bit of housekeeping on my subscribed channels and wound up deleting half of them.
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Here's a few more channels I view on occasion

"World War 2" - yeah, I know, you'll never guess what it's about.

"Real Life Lore" - A channel that speculates about various topics.

"The Tank Museum" - Tank museum talks featuring a variety of experts.

"Amazing Viz" -really cool 3D comparisons of tanks, ships, planes, you name it.
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Mark Felton has just introduced a new set of videos ............ these are Audio only.......... Rat Lines - The hunt for Nazi War Criminals.....
