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The 4 Nations War breaks out

We've started a Advanced Tactics 4-way war to end all wars with Rico, Cargol, Bootie and nathangun each commanding a city state.

We each start with one capital city on a randomly created map and now the race for towns and resources is on so we can start building the armies that'll decide who'll come out on top.
At the next turn I'll do some screenshots to give an idea of how this is going to play out.
The opening moves to the Advanced Tactics 4 Nations War have begun ... the race for production towns and resources is on.
I am stuck on the eastern periphery controlling the island-based SUN EMPIRE ... very resource poor and probably only able to make a nuisance of myself by raiding and pillaging.
In the bottom SW corner of the region, is Bootie 's THE SULTINATE ... a desert-arabic state surrounded by deserts and inland salt water lakes.
in the north is Cargol 's SOVIET STATE ... landlocked and with mountain ranges covering his southern borders and plenty or oil and raw materials within easy grabbing distance.
To the NW is nathangun 's THE STATES ... probably the nation with the best central position with access to the souther deserts and the eastern seas and looks to be growing the fastest at this early stage... all the nations are as yet at peace, but that can't last too long with such a bunch of warmongerers in charge ;)

Comrade Rico and Comrade Bootie, come to me in peace and let me have a piece of your countries :)
I know i m a typical communist :)
In all fairness the mine is in my sphere of influence and I did ask him nicely to remove his forces from it. He refused saying he needed the raw materials.... as if I dont. He knew the consequences but couldnt remove his greedy little hands. :)


LOL @ the pic :D

But in truth -- Bootie's just gunning for some cheap, easy victories to start things off!
Au contrair mon ami!!

Rico is a wily old dog, the most experienced in the ways of war out of all our fledgling nations and like Hitler give him an inch and he will take a mile. I say rid the world of his evil expansionist regime now before he grows too strong!!

I implore..... ' Down with The Sun Empire'.

I think Nathangun has it, and he was busy with RL issues.
Not sure when he said that he ll have the time to continue it.