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14th September, Sunday Op 13:30 BST - N'Ziwasogo


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
OK, good news and bad news.

Good news

I've pretty much finished the story and the base scripting for the next op. I want to see if I can find a better revive script. The FAR script I used before was OK but there was too many ArmA shuffle moments for my liking.

For this Sundays op I want to run a trial on four scripts; FAR, =BTC=, Grimes & AIS. I plan to run an MCC generated mission, snatch and grab, blow everything up and walk triumphantly into the sunset style. Also, I want to try some new mods I've planned to use;

AIA - All in ArmA. Better graphics, more maps and its supported. Bummer is it is 7GB, but if it is updated via Playwithsix then you only download the corrections, not the full file again.

African conflict. A different set of villians this time with a different take on the good guys. More will become apparent when I release the story, but for today we ain't Bluefor

Nziwasogo. It's African Jungle baby....

I wanted to try and get Toadies AK pack in, but the problem is African conflict runs off of the NATO weapons pack. To run Toadies we would have to run extra mods, about 4, and we would not be able to utilise dropped ammo. Looting ammo is a real benefit with jungle fighting.

So Sundays mods are;

Ithikial Edit (I have the power! :D ) - New mods we haven't been using recently in bold and red.

@African_Conflict (ver1.2)
@Alive (ver 0.7)
@AllInArmaTerrainPack (ver
@BlastCore_A3 (ver 0.3) - OPTIONAL
@CBA_A3 (ver
@JSRS2 (ver 2.2) - OPTIONAL
@mcc_sandbox_a3 (ver 0.4.7)
@mrb_a3_voicestop (ver 1.4) - OPTIONAL
@NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons (ver 1.4)
@Nziwasogo (ver 0.6)
@outlw_magrepack (ver 3.1.0) - OPTIONAL
@st_nametags (ver 1.0) - OPTIONAL
@st_stamina_bar (ver 1.1) - OPTIONAL
@sthud_a3 (ver 14.3.2) - OPTIONAL
@task_force_radio (0.9.2)
@TPWCAS_A3 (ver 5.5)
@VTS_WeaponResting (ver 0.5) - OPTIONAL

Bad news

Due to family commitments, birthdays, my wife doing half marathons, triathlons and other wacky stuff its looking like after this weekend the next time I'm around is the 12th Oct. That's a 3 week absence.

On some of the weekends I could setup the sever to run something like patrol ops 3.1, or I could load some missions and let you know the server admin and then you can run stuff yourselves. It will keep the 1st FGM active until I can kick off the next op. Thoughts?

Hope to see you all Sunday.
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Looks like I've got some dloading to do. Happy on this end to to give you a break DoubleD for your weekends off. :)

Can I also request we start using @st... the shack tac stamina bar?
I'll be there.

Yeah, it took me a couple hours last night to download everything, but the AiA TP is worth it. Much better than A3MP. N'Ziwasogo is pretty cool as well; huge map. Huey's look right at home there:
Added the stamina bar mod.

If anyne is around this evening and has the mods loaded I might come and poke you on steam to test the revive scripts are working. Can't really test them solo.

It's the 7GB one.

The African test didn't go so well, I have to investigate why nobody could log on. We ended up running a Chern op. I'm out of the country all this week so won't be able to do any testing or prep for Sunday 21st's op so I won't be able to host anything this weekend.

I'm around next week so will try and set something up so people can log on the following weekend.