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48 Hours at St. Clervaux - CMFB Mini Campaign

CM Final Blitzkrieg 2020-12-09 08-39-48-737.jpg

In the works -- been cobbling this together in bits and pieces over last few weeks as I found time -- a small(ish) fictional CMFB campaigns set in the opening days of Battle of Bulge with a cobbled together US task force of engineers, stragglers and newly arriving armoured infantry trying to delay Panzer spearheads advancing towards Bastogne as long as possible at the small town of St Clervaux.

Basically a "states of siege" type game -- with a random(ish) chit pull system for unit arrivals as both sides struggle across fog-bound, muddy roads and terrain... and rear area traffic jams.

There will be full fog of war.

Will need about 3 - 4 players per side -- a CO and a few battle commanders.

Each zone has a dedicated medium-sized map, infantry units are company-sized, smaller counters represent platoons (either tanks, assault guns, guns, mortars or small detached units like recon platoons.

Units move and fight from zone to along connecting lines:
1. solid grey: normal road movement
2. dotted grey: foot infantry only
3. solid white: cross country movement once weather turns to snow and ground freezes on day two.

Rules will be quite simple... will update soon with more details as the RL work load eases in a week or so...

Bulge siege map 1bb sample.jpg
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Would love to be a part of this but I expect to be extremely busy throughout december which would slow my turn rate, so I'll watch with great interest from the sidelines.
If there is any slot available, I would love to be in. If possible axis. Thank you!