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CM Campagin of PzC Scenario - interested testers?


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
I've recently put together the 5 battles that I created for my Panzer Campaigns & Combat Mission single player campaign trial which I documented in my AAR section. I'm now looking for 3-4 people to try out the campaign and give some feedback.

Whilst the PzC - CM Campaign follows the initial landings of the 101st Airborne and the 4th Inf. Div.'s beach assault at Utah, it is not historically accurate in any way. The maps are loosely based upon the historical location, but they are edited QB maps. If someone is looking for historical accuracy this Campaign won't be it.

It's my first campaign, so it's not glossy. It's linear with only one Company appearing in two battles. Four of the battles have multiple AI plans, so it should have some replay value. The battles are small to medium infantry engagements, with the final battle including US armour. They vary in time from 30 minutes to just over an hour, and the campaign isn't particularly difficult in anyway so most people should be able to win with a little fore thought.

Post here or PM me if your interested in doing some testing. Thanks, DoubleD