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Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Hello Gentlemen...

As ARMA3 grows in popularity here at FGM I feel it is important we put some guidelines in place to keep things ticking over smoothly. The overall ethos of the Few Good Men is to be friendly, polite and above all have fun and I wish to carry this over to our ARMA3 gaming... as such here are some gentle guidelines I would appreciate you guys following.


Sunday Sessions are pre-organised scenario based events. These sessions attract the most players and as such it is the time when we knuckle down and do some proper co-op gaming using a pre-made scenario be it one of our own or one downloaded of steam or such like. Over the course of the week on a designated single forum topic set by Bootie members can signify their availability for the session and discuss possible alterations or possible options.

The forum topic will have two scenario options for that coming Sunday. One in case of a small group of members being available (<6 persons), and one for a larger group (7>). This is to minimise setup time and planning on Sunday itself.... sometimes we sit for half an hour twiddling our thumbs.... at the designated time we should be all logged in and ready to go.

This designated start time is usually 1315 hours GMT some leeway either side should be given before the session to account for time zones and connection issues etc. (15 minutes). If not all players are online and ready to go by 1330hrs we leave without you.

Scenarios should attempt to use only mods that the FGM group are using and are easily obtainable via the PlayWithSix system. Any special mod cases need to be identified in the preparation forum topic early in the week.

The FGM dedicated server will be used for these events. Users if they have connection issues should save the FGM Dedicated Server to their favourites so they can easily attempt connections.


The dedicated server can be used by FGM members outwith the Sunday session (or another agreed meeting) for automatically generated scenarios using the Patrol Ops system or the Dynamic War System.

The server will not impose members with restrictions in game on what they can and cannot do. All FGM members should be able to fly, drive, shoot whatever they want. FGM is still small enough to allow for any bad behaviour to be sorted out on the forums. (And to have a laugh at that wayward rocket or one's ability to make a helicopter 'fall with style').


Designated Squad Leaders for each mission must have a microphone active.

All members will be expected to operate the ACRE / TeamSpeak system when it goes online for communications.

And last but not least... have a bloody good time guys.
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It would be nice if we could role play a bit and have as close to proper RT protocol as possible to assist this.

Some of the online utube videos of other groups role playing a hostage rescue is what initially drew me to ArmA.
I mean Radio Transmission or Radio Traffic probably got the acronym mixed up :)
They use a more advanced medical mod but when you are dead you are dead. No respawn. With the ability to "die" during a mission it turns the immersion (and adrenaline) way up.
Have the three mods downloaded... from playwithsix, any chance of a test game before Sunday?
Downloading Modes Now
I am trying to catch up.... and become a [shoot'em dead] member of our illustrious team... probably not this week but maybe next... (Plus on teamspeak I tauk funny so I will just listen to orders and go demoralize the freakin enemy...)
I've volunteered to admin the ArmA III for FGM for the time being. We will run with Bootie's guidelines, and with the MOD's that Spear has documented in the Play With Six thread. I've listed them below as well. I just want to take a short time to put some thoughts together on how we proceed. In the end we all want to enjoy the MP sessions and I think keeping it simple will support that.

The following mods are currently allowed:
@CBA_A3 [needed to run stuff]
@A3MP (only 1.3a) [for the future, disable if you don't want to consume your download allowance for the time being]
@Jayarma2lib [needed for future roll play comms]
@ACRE [needed for future roll play comms]
@Alive [future stuff, not used at the moment]
@Blastcore [adds real bang, client side only]
@JSRS [adds greater depth to sound, distant combat etc., client side only]
@MCC_sandbox [Please add this, it can be got in playwithsix. We will be using this more in the future to support MP missions, more in future posts]

For the time being, if you run no other mods add @CBA_A3 and @MCC_sandbox
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I have a couple questions about mods.

The Alive and MCC mods are basically mods that make the creation of scenarios easier, correct? I watched vids on both and it looks as if the MCC one does the same as the Alive but is much simpler to use. What are the advantages or disadvantages of each? If someone uses these to create a scenario, does the player have to have the mod to run it? I am assuming not.

Blastcore and JSRS are graphic/sound mods. So if you are running coop with another player one can run it and see or hear the new items and the other can choose not to and will see or hear vanilla. No need for both to be running them to play together.

I do not know a lot about these and am trying to get edumacated on them. Thanks.
'The Alive and MCC mods are basically mods that make the creation of scenarios easier, correct?'

Though having MCC installed on your client will give you access to a special MCC device in your inventory which can call in support options. Also without MCC you won't see any MCC created waypoints on the map and other things.

'Blastcore and JSRS are graphic/sound mods'
These are just client side mods but the server has to have their signed key installed or your will get kicked off.

Are biggest issue with mods so far was the A3MP (map pack) which is huge 5GB download and the versions available in the past had a bad signed key and some corrupt files. It also may be causing some issues with the single player game. So don't bother installing it for now.

ACRE is a voice coms mod which integrates with TeamSpeak it is still in beta so has bugs and is in a restricted release at present. I think we should not bother with this until a new version is released and we are able to test to make sure it works correctly.

We should however start using TeamSpeak 3 instead of the in game voice chat. The in game voice chat causes issues if you are in a different squad, or the server freezes, or you get disconnected from server, or if you want to go afk when dead.
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