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fish in a barrel



Recently ive been attempting to learn Tank Warfare Tunisia. I started with Faid Pass and was doing quite well until like 1 hour and 15 minutes into a battle very close to the pass i begin to be relentlessly pounded by stukas and having my armor and guns destroyed. Without anti-air specific units, what do you do to counter or at least survive it with some tanks left?
I tend to think the air attacks are some type of randomizer in the game mechanics. The only tactic you can try is to hide, set your troops to not firing at air - only tells the Ai where you are, and hope for the best.
It is a little demoralizing, that is the general aim of the mechanic, enjoy the desperation!
Thanks, i was thinking i just took to long. I tried again after learning a bit about more about using artillery. i hit them with it as soon as possible as the enemy attacked 2 of my entrenched infantry units. While occupied i rolled over them with a half dozen tanks flanking them from the east. Got my first pow's and total victory, in about 30 minutes and never saw one Stuka. The mechanics are starting to make more sense to me and that was extremely fun an satisfying, especially the arty and seeing those infantry soldiers walking towards me with their hands on their heads. Wow maybe i will one day even learn to play Command Modern Operations