
Hello Mates and Members.

It's possible some might have missed me and wondered where's the Hedgehog

Most know the situation I am with Stella, she had a nasty fall and broke her hip, then the hospital said she should go to there care home for assessing which does look after people with dementia, the place was rubbish we looked at her paper work we thought we were looking at some one else's paper work, The worst thing for us at the moment Stella as stopped eating it's now six weeks she hasn't eaten a meal , back at the care home one Friday night Stella is the only one in the lounge at 23 00 hours and staff decided to change shift left Stella on her own, She as had another fall ambulance called, tell me why they never put Stella to bed before they went away to change shift, she cut the back of her head with no other problems.
Of course her eating is creating concern she will nibble at ice cream couple of tea spoons that's about it, Doctor we can try taking her home with outside care and see if that brings her out of it, he said I don't thing it will work with her dementia because she as it bad ..... If that doesn't work in a few weeks she will have to go into end of life care, so let's top it off I have got Covid from the first week Stella was discharged from the hospital.

Stat bright and mainly alert
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