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If you missed season one Season two here.., El Cid!

this is an excellent series, so glad they got commissioned for s2 and possibly s3 by looks of it. Finished S1 & s2 already :)
I haven't quite finished the 1st episode yet so no opinion on the series as a whole. I am finding it so far to be "soapy" to a high degree.
I mean, change the scenery and time period. Get the actors/actresses in new clothes, cool cars and have it set in Los Angeles.
Rename it "El Bro". That would work too.
On to the next episode.
Arn Crusader Knight isnt bad too, also on Amazon. Its Scandinavian with english sub-titles. If you like all things Medieval its good.
Well, this is kind of an embarrassing admission, but I'm sorta into this. Now true, I'm only up to episode 3 (and something that is going to turn
everything upside down is going to happen, I think, in about 5 minutes!) but it's helped that I have mostly figured out who is who, and what is what.
There are a lot of characters. They all hate each other (except for that jumping into bed part) and all have their own separate agendas going on. It's
a bit of a dance keeping up with the story plot every time it shifts to another character. Strangely enough I think the weakest part of the show is the
guy who plays Ruy (El Cid). I mean he has that classic Spanish look, square jaw, lots of black wavy curls and all. He is gorgeous. I just think he's just, uh,
well boring. However, everyone around him is pretty amazing.
Lastly, this is an expensive production. The sets, costumes, weapons, scenery, armor, visuals in general are first rate. It is real nice to look at.
So, mea culpa. This is growing on me. Probably will you too.
Good series so far almost through season 1.

Camino del Cid a hiking/biking trail in Spain

Just as the pandemic hit, I was just north of Valenica on the touring bike heading northwest (in reverse) up the trail. What a shame.
Is this one filled with naked women like The Tudors, Rome, the European version of Borgia and similar tv-series? If it isn't, why do you claim it is a good tv-series?
Based on your statement you appear to like that sort of thing, so yeah, there is a bit of that in it for you. It also has interesting characters, sets, scenery, etc.
Downloading it now. I enjoyed the Spanish tv-series Isabel so I will probably enjoy this one as well.
I watched the first five episodes of this tv-series, or more correctly: jumped forward in search of the more interesting pieces, and something more boring and silly hasn't been on my computer screen for a long time.

It seems Ruy something, or El Cid, was some kind of medieval detective trying to solve a conspiracy to murder the King of Léon and a swordfighter just as skilled as Aragorn in the books of The One Ring. I doubt the second season will change so give up on this one.

The only good thing was that everyone else was more good looking than then main character. It's often the other way around.