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Scenario Editor



Had a dabble with the Scen Editor, plonked a bunch of buildings surrounded by a ring of trees-


I'll have a shot at it in due course, it's very flexible, the QB random map generator just threw this one up without me touching it at all, ha ha.
(PS- Some 'random' maps keep coming up more than once in QB's, so they're not purely random like CMx1, but are randomly plucked from a database of prepared maps)

This is one of the stock maps and shows that nice rolling hills and valleys can be incorporated in maps-
The really tricky thing with the scenario editor is figuring out how to change the elevations and build hills etc... looked it up in the manual, but it still isn't making much sense so far.

Try this, make one level (5 meter) change in elevation Rico, then click on the map, with mouse clicker held down, slowly drag it across the map. Note all the squares changed elevation, its cool. Now set a new elevation and drag that across the map close to the other line you did. CMBN will automatically change the elevation between the two lines, repeat and you're now making a ridgeline ...congratulation

Hope that helps some Rico