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Sempai´s Farewell


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Dear Comrades!

After years of PBEM battles and club life in FGM, I have to strike the sails. Over the last months my life has changed a lot. My private situation as well as my work situation has changed in such a way that I had to make some decisions. One of them is to end my active membership in FGM and other clubs.
The decision was not an easy one. Therefor I have been a member for too long. Even though I have to admit that the end of CMx1 (CMBB and CMAK), which for me is still the best CM of all, has put quite a damper on me.
FGM was the club that, along with the WPC, was my CM home. Both clubs had strong players and interesting divisions around CM, WW1 and WW2.
After the WPC sadly went under, FGM was my only remaining regular place to go. And it was a good place to go, not least because of Bootie's self-sacrificing work and the hard core of "old" members who remained loyal to the club no matter which way the wind was blowing.
I was also pleasantly surprised that my "march and marching song project" was met with relatively broad interest. Especially as far as German military marching songs were concerned. I had not expected that. Unfortunately, I cannot finish this project now, just as I cannot finish my articles on the former GDR, NVA (east german NPA) etc.
So be it! It was a nice time. And I will miss it. I wish all FGM comrades happy times, exciting battles and friendly togetherness for their FGM future!

All the best!


P.S.: Many thanks especially to Ted, Shane, Louis, Badger73 and all the others who stood by me in my FGM times! Don't let it get you down and keep the FGM-Standard high! It was a good time with you!
Sempai, sad news indeed. Thanks for all your great work here, you are an important reason this club is so strong. Here is hoping that the tides of life change and you wash up on FGM’s shores in the not so distant future.

Best to you sir!

Well Ralf it's been a pleasure doing battle with you over the early years of CM, I remember the days when you were just get into the English language and always asking for me to excuse your mistakes ...... Got to say you have improved to Gold Star rating mate ..... Best of Luck with the rest of your life the club will miss you mate, also you are right about CMBB CMAK being such good games.

Best Regards


Time for some R and R...we can all respect that, especially after your input here.

Don't forget us, and know that the door is ALWAYS open.

Take care.

@HOA_KSOP: Thank You for Your kind words! Nobody knows the future - so maybe we will meet again here at FGM.

@Hedgehog: Thank You, Ted! It was always nice to cross swords and have a little chat with You. Greet Stella from me!

@Louis: Thank You as well, Louis! And a intercontinental hug back to You! :)

@steve: I don´t forget FGM. And should the tide of life change sometime, who knows? Maybe I´m back again then. Thanks for the offer!

@Nelson1812: Ah, no! That is a good decision. I´m no friend of the EU.

@all: Ok, this is/was my last post here.

Sempai out!