Tank Warfare Tunisia 1943 - FGM Learners Guide


One of the Few
Attention Tank Warfare Tunisia '43 players.

Attached please find the FGM community developed learner's guide PDF for TWT43. It is designed to supplement the Graviteam official game manual. We provide it here to for the purpose of aiding players who would like additional help for understanding how to learn and play this excellent war-game. Enjoy. Good luck and good gaming.

EDIT: Learner's Manual updated 19-Sept-2019. See post #16 below.


  • TWT43_Learners_Manual_v190820.zip
    7.4 MB · Views: 636
Thank you very much!

TW and "Graviteam Tactics" are absolutely outstanding simulations, but the documentation is not as good as it could be. There are so many hidden features that are not even mentioned in the official manual...
Thank you very much!

TW and "Graviteam Tactics" are absolutely outstanding simulations, but the documentation is not as good as it could be. There are so many hidden features that are not even mentioned in the official manual...
Yeah, @Lethal2615 has done a great job on shedding some light on the mysteries.
Thank you very much for this learner's guide in PDF format. It is very useful!
As other poster has said, Graviteam produces great simulators but their documentation is their weakest point. This guide is very important for new and not so new players.
I really appreciate this effort! Thank you very much again!

Thank you for this guide! A much needed help!....I have one question though: The Scenario "Spring Walk" that is mentioned in this guide....where do I find it? Is it part of a dlc?..or am I just too stupid to find it?
Are we allowed to give this to players we know that could use the help. It is indeed a great addition and much needed.

Can we freely distribute this if we give credit?

OK, Spring Walk has British troops so it must have been part of the Op Pugilist DLC.

The sequence described can be used in any scenario with artillery. If you are interested in on-map indirect fire have a look at

Might I ask what parts are new?

I'd love to see the replacement, ammo, and reserves given some attention as well as the Op phase in general.

Keep up the great work. This will eventually be the definitive 'manual' for this great game.
Developer Manual Updated - 18 Sep 19

Current manual additions and changes....

Page 41, added sections on “Retreating under fire” and “Vehicles tripping over rocks”, which I believe should be corrected to “tipping over...”

Pages 72 &73 added Tactical Map explanation.

Page 91, added “Campaign Map-Post Turn” section.


  • twt43_manual_190918.zip
    7.9 MB · Views: 233
Thank you very much for the update in the manual! It is much appreciated!

Your work to produce a good manual for the Graviteam tactics games is essential to ease the learning curve in that games and to attract new players.

Thank you for this document. A great game without documentation is no better than poetry written in a language you don't speak.
Great learners guide, some of the mechanics can be used for GT:OS if anyone has the game, which is a bit more simpler
Thanks to all those that had a hand in producing this very helpful guide.
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