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Texas Shootings

Apparently so. And given that Russian troops have been stationed in Venezuela, I'd say that doctrine is selective at best.

Hey, it could be worse, you could be living next to Russia. Oh wait, you are.

Clearly, I still can't get you to take Bieber back. Pretty please.

Funny you wrote that Venezuela bit that as I was just about to post another stupidity our 'betters' have stepped in.

So now according to Kamij Gran, Assistant Secretary General of the NATO alliance “Every state has the autonomy in the nuclear domain to either admit or not to admit weapons. It is not a question of imposing restrictions,” he said, responding to a question about whether Russia would be given assurances in view of the possible future deployment of nuclear weapons in Finland and Sweden"

So does Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea etc. etc. etc. enjoy that autonomy as well...? Last I looked they were States.

Lordy, lordy, are these people not the poster kids for stupidity.:rolleyes:

Not sure your joking on the next door bit :unsure:;)

Man, you see the poor kid, he's apparently come down with some rare form of paralysis and the whole left side of his face is now paralyzed. Poor bugger, fame doesn't spare anyone eh!

So don't worry, he'll be back in Canada soon enough :LOL: once he see how much its going to cost him to get medical treatment down south he'll be up up here in the Great Socialist North getting that taken care of for free. :) (He'll just have toleave his gun at the border ;))

Cheers !