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The Key to Armenia’s Tank Losses: The Sensors, Not the Shooters

Amid a lively debate about the viability of the UK’s heavy armour, the loss of over 42 Armenian T-72s to Azerbaijani forces in Nagorno-Karabakh requires further analysis.

Despite the heavy Armenian armoured losses, the key lessons from the videos Azerbaijan has published online are not about armour. Rather, they reflect how the density of sensors on the modern battlefield is changing the balance in combined arms warfare.
Before tackling this, some myths need to be challenged. There is a tendency for Western soldiers to dismiss what can be learned from these incidents because the videos show limited tactical proficiency being displayed by Armenian troops. This is misguided for several reasons. The snippet videos usually show armour manoeuvring, when camouflage is hard to maintain, and which Western forces would equally have to do if they were to affect the outcome of battle. The videos have also been selected as examples of Azerbaijani successes. However, there is actually a lot of evidence of Armenian forces digging in, concealing positions, and deploying decoys, of which at least two were struck by Azerbaijani forces.
More importantly, this dismissal of evidence suggests a lack of appreciation of just how naked the modern battlefield has become. Against a peer adversary it is entirely reasonable to expect the battlefield to be sweptby ground-moving target indicator (GMTI) radars, with tactical units able to scan terrain out to 150 km. Night or day, unusual cross-terrain movements, coordinated spacing, and lack of adherence to civilian roads, all make military vehicles highly distinct to trained operators.
A further layer of scrutiny will come from electronic warfare units. Dependency upon radio in Western operations is a hard habit to kick, especially given the stringent safety standards in exercises. Western forces tend to leave a tell-tale map of electronic signatures for an adversary to analyse. Even platoon infantry attacks tend to see a lot of exchanges on the company net. For a competent adversary these signatures offer another potent tool to map Western forces’ movements.
Such stand-off ISTAR techniques are unlikely to provide track-quality targeting solutions, unless the adversary intends to saturate a large area. It is the threat of area targeting that has driven the UK to experiment with dispersed manoeuvre with its STRIKE concept, rendering long-range area saturation uneconomical. But these techniques will be quite capable of identifying areas of interest to prioritise the allocation of UAVs and other electrooptical sensor bearers.
The hope that camouflage will conceal vehicles from observation is highly optimistic. The proliferation of infrared and thermal imaging cameras makes concealment harder – by night or day – and even vehicles under thermal screens can often be given away by personnel leaving those screens to urinate or similar, all too human, needs. More importantly, some traces are hard to cover. The best evidence that armour will be unable to hide is that Western tracked vehicles struggle to avoid observation by friendly UAVs on exercise, which can quickly follow track marks on the ground to the woodblock where a vehicle is hiding.
To conclude from this that the tank’s days are numbered, however, is a serious error. From the videos in Nagorno-Karabakh it is evident that unarmoured vehicles and dismounted infantry are faring no better, even those dug into positions with camouflage screens. Indeed, the lack of protection means they will likely fare worse since there are more kinds of munitions that are lighter and easier to employ that can kill them.
Besides the vulnerability of other kinds of vehicle, the ability to inflict persistent attrition upon an adversary at reach does not change the fact that land warfare is about taking and holding ground, and the ground will still ultimately need to be assaulted. Once committed to an assault on defended positions, armour remains critical to rapid success with acceptable losses. The challenge is to get a combined arms formation within striking distance without it having suffered heavy losses before entering the direct fire zone. Armenia, for instance, has lost the equivalent number of tanks to more than a third of the UK’s heavy armour inventory.
The lessons are far reaching. Heavy formations must likely disperse to avoid being engaged by area-of-effect munitions at reach. This makes protecting them from UAVs and air attack more challenging, requiring the integration of short-ranged air defences (SHORAD) across tactical units, along with EW – specifically electronic attack – capabilities. This means a move away from camouflage towards hard protection, able to sanitise areas of the battlefield of enemy ISTAR assets. This does not prevent detection, however, since finding UAVs and engaging them will require radar – especially at night – which implies the need for emissions detectable by enemy EW.
Therefore, a broader shift in mindset is required as to how combined arms manoeuvre functions. Infliction of attrition against enemy ISTAR must be prioritised to degrade the enemy’s sensor picture to a point where they will struggle to distinguish decoys from real targets. Deception, saturating the electromagnetic spectrum, and other active rather than passive means will be needed to protect the force as it moves into direct contact. Once in contact many traditional tactics and capabilities will remain relevant.
A critical challenge to be worked out is how to transition from a dispersed approach to a concentrated attack, since at the forming-up point there will be a significant vulnerability to artillery, anti-tank guided weapons and other threats. This is a key area of focus in developing robust tactics.
Challenges like this transition – ultimately resolvable through tactics and the employment of systems of technologies – highlight how the debate over future capabilities needs to shift. The challenge is not whether tanks are obsolete, but how a system of capabilities can be fielded and trained that gets the force to where it needs to be, with enough combat power to achieve the desired result. It is the system, not the platforms, and the balance within that system that we need to get right.
That new system of fighting – understanding the balance of capabilities critical to the future of combined arms operations – must also go further than articulating how to blind the enemy’s sensors. It must also outline how to reverse the calculus and impose comparable challenges on the enemy. Here there are more difficult structural questions to be resolved. The British Army had intended to disband 32 Regiment Royal Artillery, responsible for employing tactical UAVs, because it felt that UAVs should become organic across the force. There is a risk, however, that this would leave UAVs as an enabler to augment what regiments do already. The absence of a community of excellence to challenge thinking, develop new tactics and inform other units about the implications, is a problem, which has led to the regiment ultimately being retained. At the same time, keeping UAVs as a capability integrated throughout the force promises to encourage combined arms employment. Similar challenges might be asked about counter-UAV and EW systems. Should they be grouped at echelon, or attached organically to manoeuvre elements? If the latter is pursued, how can British forces avoid fratricide in the electromagnetic spectrum?
The answers to these questions can only be found through experimentation. In that sense while the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh highlights some key deficiencies in British forces – SHORAD, EW, UAVs – the answer cannot be a series of binary trade-offs between platforms. Instead, it cuts to the heart of what the Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, highlighted in his recent address on the Integrated Review: the British Army should build a force fit for a new age of warfare.
Jack Watling is Research Fellow for Land Warfare in the Military Sciences team at RUSI.

Banner Image: Screenshot from UAV footage of an Armenian T-72 released by Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence. Government Licence.
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Dr Jack Watling
Research Fellow, Land Warfare

Dr Jack Watling is Research Fellow for Land Warfare. Jack has recently conducted studies of deterrence against Russia, force... read more


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I´m feeling this pre-battle attrition thingy in one of my PBEMs.

I needed to get a large force from my corner of the map into the urban battle zone a couple of kilometers away. The route I chose was exposed but shortest. Helicopters, artillery, hidden Javelin teams, flanking javelin teams and probably something more hammered my route and reduced my force by close to 50%.

I know the scale of one CMSF2 battle is not what is being discussed in this article but I felt connected to this point of attrition in getting the forces to the AO. Interesting and challenging stuff.
I have also been following the ongoing conflict. It has been drowned out by most other world events, but yes the highly technological nature of it and the extensive use of UAVs is interesting. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan are very minor powers, but they have very deadly forces.

One thing I found interesting is that CMSF gets it mostly right. UAVs in CMSF are as deadly as in RL and you can use them as they were in the war, for example, using UAVs to direct airstrikes.

Another question which keeps coming up is whether tanks are obsolete. I personally do not think "tanks" are obsolete since the reason they were created in WW1, i.e. protecting infantry as it crosses the battlefield, still exits, but "tanks" as in the current concept will have to evolve.
I have also been following the ongoing conflict. It has been drowned out by most other world events, but yes the highly technological nature of it and the extensive use of UAVs is interesting. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan are very minor powers, but they have very deadly forces.

One thing I found interesting is that CMSF gets it mostly right. UAVs in CMSF are as deadly as in RL and you can use them as they were in the war, for example, using UAVs to direct airstrikes.

Another question which keeps coming up is whether tanks are obsolete. I personally do not think "tanks" are obsolete since the reason they were created in WW1, i.e. protecting infantry as it crosses the battlefield, still exits, but "tanks" as in the current concept will have to evolve.

Of course evolution is a constant. However I'd argue that 'Tanks' have more roles than protecting the infantry as it crosses the battlefield.

Panzer Divisions and other Armored formations have had and still have the role of spearheading exploits after a breakthrough has been achieved (allowing durable/successful breakthroughs), ending the era of positional warfare. And those formations aren't only about tanks.

While modern wars are often more hybrid / asymmetric, there isn't always a need for breakthroughs and or exploitation by armored formations because the same results can be achieved in other ways. However, I think the conflict the article is about actually shows the reason tanks are employed.

Without armored formations, Azerbeidjan could have still caused all those casualties with their drones. However, could they have gained the territorial gains with just Drones and infantry?
While modern wars are often more hybrid / asymmetric, there isn't always a need for breakthroughs and or exploitation by armored formations because the same results can be achieved in other ways. However, I think the conflict the article is about actually shows the reason tanks are employed.

I think the difference is that the recent Azerbaijan-Armenia war was about seizing control of a specific part of local territory, where the breakthrough doctrine is more focused on the kind of total war that we saw in Europe in WW1 and 2, where the aim is complete defeat of the opponent, taking his capital and all of his territory.

Without armored formations, Azerbeidjan could have still caused all those casualties with their drones. However, could they have gained the territorial gains with just Drones and infantry?

Yes, if the aim was just forcing the enemy forces back, superior drones and artillery would be sufficient, I think. The reason why trenches were supreme in WW1 was due to lack of accuracy with the artillery.

Any kind of fighting trench is unfeasible if the enemy can drop cluster bombs or airburst munitions on it at a moment's notice, and -as I understand it- fortified strongpoints are basically useless against pinpoint heavier shells with a delay fuze.
I think the difference is that the recent Azerbaijan-Armenia war was about seizing control of a specific part of local territory, where the breakthrough doctrine is more focused on the kind of total war that we saw in Europe in WW1 and 2, where the aim is complete defeat of the opponent, taking his capital and all of his territory.

I don't really agree that the breakthrough doctrine is more focused on total war. Total war is when the house of politics which decided upon war, is the first victim ;-). At least according to Clausewitz. I think the breakthrough doctrine is focused on conventional wars between nation states. The political aim doesn't need to be full occupation, as is shown in both WW1 & WW2. The reason for the breakthrough doctrine is rather to win a war and force the enemy to the negotiation table, faster and with less casualties and costs compared to a war of attrition.
Both WW1, WW2 and Operation Desert Storm (among other) show that the breakthrough doctrine can be rather successful (Fall Gelb is perhaps the first real example, many followed).

Now in a hybrid / asymmetric war there might not even be frontlines. In such cases, of course, breakthrough doctrine isn't that useful and the same goes for the means which power that doctrine (Armored Formations).
Yes, if the aim was just forcing the enemy forces back, superior drones and artillery would be sufficient, I think. The reason why trenches were supreme in WW1 was due to lack of accuracy with the artillery.

Any kind of fighting trench is unfeasible if the enemy can drop cluster bombs or airburst munitions on it at a moment's notice, and -as I understand it- fortified strongpoints are basically useless against pinpoint heavier shells with a delay fuze.

For defensive purposes indeed drones, artillery and AT weapons in prepared positions would go a long way.

Not sure if I agree with regards to the unfeasibility of fortifications in the broadest sense of the word. History has proven that pure aerial campaigns, without 'boots on the ground', aren't sufficient to defeat determined and competent defenders. Already in WW1 the bulk of troops didn't endure the shelling in their 'fighting trenches'. They'd be waiting inside their bunkers, connected to the trenches, for the artillery bombardment to finish only to get out at the last moment when the bombardment was lifted.
Now of course cluster munitions and precision munitions have a big impact. But to say that they have now made all fortifications obsolete and therefore the breakthrough doctrine?
Not my view at least :)
Both WW1, WW2 and Operation Desert Storm (among other) show that the breakthrough doctrine can be rather successful

I think Desert Storm only really showed that an attacker with a massive military and technological advantage easily defeats an inferior opponent trying to fight a conventional war on open ground in the desert.

Not sure if I agree with regards to the unfeasibility of fortifications in the broadest sense of the word. History has proven that pure aerial campaigns, without 'boots on the ground', aren't sufficient to defeat determined and competent defenders.

I'd be very careful against concluding too much from past wars at this point where sensors and precision munitions have made such technological leaps since the last major war. The bunkers where WW1 soldiers waited for the barrage to lift could in many cases be destroyed outright by a direct hit. Even the deeper dugouts could be collapsed or at least their entryways buried.
well if you want to talk about breakthrough and exploitation, I would posit a Stryker BCT can do the job as well as a WW2 German Panzer division. It has the mobility to strike deep in enemy territory, MGS 105 mm guns for direct fire support and Javelin missiles and ATGM vehicles to deal with any armored counterattack.
well if you want to talk about breakthrough and exploitation, I would posit a Stryker BCT can do the job as well as a WW2 German Panzer division. It has the mobility to strike deep in enemy territory, MGS 105 mm guns for direct fire support and Javelin missiles and ATGM vehicles to deal with any armored counterattack.

Good point, although they will have more trouble sustaining the attack when facing near peer forces compared to an HBCT (or whatever they are called now). I realize my point about the breakthrough and exploitation was a bit of a generalization, but I wanted to make clear that (at least IMO) the role of tanks has had more value in other roles than direct infantry support.
I think Desert Storm only really showed that an attacker with a massive military and technological advantage easily defeats an inferior opponent trying to fight a conventional war on open ground in the desert.

Well I bet they'd still face a much harder time if the US / coalition employed just infantry on foot or in soft skin vehicles, it would also have taken a bit longer. It did show that the Chinese hardware was no match at all, plus that the bulk of the Iraqi army already lost it's motivation before the war started. Also the massive bombardments didn't help the command and control infrastructure. But still the Republican Guard was not a puny force.
Without the tank concept (and an MGS is a light tank on wheels), the advantage over the Iraqi's would have been less.

I'd be very careful against concluding too much from past wars at this point where sensors and precision munitions have made such technological leaps since the last major war. The bunkers where WW1 soldiers waited for the barrage to lift could in many cases be destroyed outright by a direct hit. Even the deeper dugouts could be collapsed or at least their entryways buried.

I agree that the past holds no guarantee for the future. But I think that the same goes for concluding too much about recent history about 'marginal' conflicts (let's hope there will never again be major world wars).
Interesting post. I think we are in a new era of saturation bombardment which will be very difficult to achieve objectives in. I'm not sure NATO has taken this on board.