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Timmes Digs In - machinegun bug


FGM Colour Sergeant
Apr 19, 2021
Reaction score
London Ontario Canada
Lt. Col. Timmes had only a single airborne machinegun during his defence of the orchard. A single source claims 'two' but also makes some other suspect claims such as a 37mm gun. During scenario creation every American paratrooper platoon has an inherent machinegun, resulting in an unhistorically high number. My initial workaround was to break up the platoons into squads and move the machinegun squads into a locked-in corner of the map thinking this would make them inaccessible and so solving the problem. However, this was not to be. During a play-test today I noticed something that I had overlooked as I was too focused on programming the German A.I. Plans. :oops: What I noticed was this ... when the game launches, the program 'randomly' selects which elements to place in the locked-in corner and which elements to put in play. Resulting once again in too many machineguns for Timmes. Blaaaah! :(

The only other workaround would be to eliminate the platoons altogether in recruit them as straggling 'teams' but this would mean scouts, snipers, bazookas ... oh my ... anything but riflemen!. :mad: So now I am humbugged and don't know what to do.:unsure:
I may be missing something. If the MG teams are separate MG teams then you can simply delete them from the editor. Any section or team which is a separate branch in the TO&E can be deleted in the unit selection UI.

If the MGs are just part of the squad then you obviously cannot do that but you might be able to set the equipment level to something other than excellent. I may have the terminology not quite correct there - look at the lower pane in the UI where you can select motivation, leadership etc. try a lower equipment quality setting. That might offer control over how many MGs there are. That UI has effects on some units but not all so it may not help.

Those are the two possible things that might work.
Hi Cat:
Unfortunately the machineguns are inherent to the paratrooper squads. Squads can be split up into sections with one section manning the MG. I did solve the problem just a moment ago by painting the locked-in area with one of the blue Allied set-up colours that was not in use in the single-player scenario. For the H2H version of the scenario all three colours were already in use so I chose to sacrifice the forward set-up colour of the American scouts and use it to lock-in the excess MG teams. Thanks for your feedback and interest.
BTW. Where in Ontario are you? I'm in London. We have a miniatures wargaming group that is just beginning to come back to life in person. At the moment trying to meet once a month.
Hi Cat:
Unfortunately the machineguns are inherent to the paratrooper squads.
Bummer. I'm glad you found a solution.
BTW. Where in Ontario are you? I'm in London. We have a miniatures wargaming group that is just beginning to come back to life in person. At the moment trying to meet once a month.
Near Ottawa. I spent a number of years in grade school in London. I was pretty small so I don't remember much more than our street.