**NSFW** PINK FLOYD : A couple of days late, but still great ;)

No never tried listening to this whilst under the influence of anything illegal - ever - honest Mr Legal person!! :D

(Yeah right, my intro to LSD was this followed by Tangerine Dream on mahoosive headphones. Wish You Were Here also excellent in same conditions. Some music was just made for Acid or hash)

I had a very normal "square" teenage life (Ha-Ha- Ha)

Though my 20's/ early 30's were MUCH more interesting (& I'm v.happy to still be here to remember - most- of them)
I get the feeling I ought to shut up now, ........... After all this IS a public record and open(ish)
(You trying to give me flash backs @Nathangun? :D)

:confused: You know I have no idea what that idiot means,

"I know nothing Officer,
Nothing I tell you,
You trying to give me flash backs @Nathangun?

Yes I am, now, there's a newspaper taxi ready to take you away.

For those that don't know, my last few posts I quoted the lyrics from the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (LSD) just in case you all thought I lost my mind and needed to be locked away.
For those that don't know, my last few posts I quoted the lyrics from the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (LSD) just in case you all thought I lost my mind and needed to be locked away.

Yeah, it's true; @Nathangun is perfectly normal folks, nothing to see hear, move on!

(Don't believe him, he's nots fine, just keep him away from sharps and cover all the exits, it'll be fine...... honest.....:oops: .... ermmm anyone got a crucifix?, No just asking, no reason)
It's why I listed this as NSFV. ;)

(I was very careful to assess what I was taking and balance the risk reward of any drug/situation I was in. (A FUN time won mostly :cool:)

I gotta be honest I've seen some really shite results of drug taking, though I've SEEN a LOT worse based on excessive alcohol consumption and some truly horrible parents/people in my time. :(:mad: ( Comes to the same thing there are dicks and nice people amongst the common herd of humanity. :mad: Drug/alcohol etc use just accentuates the bad in many, but not all. :()
I agree with you both. Both drugs and alcohol do mess up lives, when taken to often and over a long period of time. Like anything else I guess, except coffee, can't have to much of that.

Your right, tobacco and alcohol remain among the most dangerous drugs existing so far… Coffee is not on this slide but is also associated with dependency :(

Well worth a read - though it does require a subscription to the Lancet (or other access via medically interested friends/hackers/access to university library). Summary on the linked site gives you the basic info to do your own research (not in a scientific way :))

Extracted from The guardian" (where he writes a lot - in a left-ish leaning liberal serious British newspaper :cool::p)
"Professor David Nutt is professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London, chair of DrugScience.org.uk and author of Drugs: Without The Hot Air. He was chair of the UK's advisory committee on the misuse of drugs until 2009.

Some interesting ideas and (MUCH MORE) importantly SCIENTIFICALLY RESEARCHED EVIDENCE, something very rare in the discussion about drugs.
Well, I noticed that LSD and Mushrooms users apparently only harm themselves. I am curious as to how that information is derived and what type of harm one does to ones self?.
Well, I noticed that LSD and Mushrooms users apparently only harm themselves. I am curious as to how that information is derived and what type of harm one does to ones self?.

Both were associated with psychotic crisis, with a few death related to LSD bad trip

But that's funny, the most surprising in this figure for me remains the very high rate of "harm" induced by legal drugs...
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