SF2: H2H options


FGM Lieutenant
Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
Melb, Oz
Hi all. I have FB and BS, as many of you know I play a lot of BS H2H, primarily RUs vs UKR (as trying to get a fun fight RUS vs US is hard). I play very little single player at all, mostly replaying scenarios I've already played H2H, just to try what-ifs. My brain refuses to commit to SP if I can possibly use the same time for H2H. Bizarre I know....

Thinking about getting off the fence and grabbing SF2 in the next 12 hours whilst its still 30% off. But the procrastinator in me asks:
- Outside the single player campaigns (which I wont play), and small scenarios (which I will play to learn forces, as well as older 'modern' weapon system capabilities vs BS), what is SF2 like for H2H out of the box?
  1. Are there many balanced H2H scenarios, specifically Blue vs Red?
  2. For QBs, is it likely to be only 'fun' if Blue on Blue? I am considering the NATO module as it provides the greatest diversity of forces for potential H2H fun
  3. Is playing anything QB NATO vs Syrians 'fun' at all, or really un-fun for Syrians?
  4. Is playing anything QB irregulars/insurgents vs NATO 'fun' at all, or again mostly sucky for the non-NATO player?
I just don't want to purchase it, and find that the QB is really only of value BLUE vs BLUE. Yes fully aware its about asymmetric warfare BLUE vs RED, but just after a guage if it actually works for QB? I am guessing that as long as maps have a decent amount of urban terrain, Blue VS Red is (more?) fun/viable in H2H with red defending in probe/etc? But open desert is not?

Thanks all for reading this far.....!
well yes, CMSF2 MP can be fun. Like CMBS, it is a question of picking the right scenario/QB.

U.S. Army is still OP, but NATO, i.e. Germans, Canadians, Dutch vs good syrian forces (i.e. Rep Guards, Airborne, special forces) can be fun for both sides. U.S. Marines vs Syrian can also be fun since the Marines have older tanks and a lot less Javelins.

There are a bunch of H2H scenarios in the game. I would be up for one if you do buy the game. I play any side, except when Canadians are involved. I like to play as Canadian.

p.s. - if you will only buy a few modules to start, then base game + NATO module is the best if you only want to do PBEM.
Blue vs Red is fun as well imo, with the proper setup. One thing that hurts the Syrians in QB is their RPG ammo. Uncons don't suffer that fate.

Anyway imo CMSF2 is a lot of fun and much more content compared to CMBS (Blue vs Red, Red vs Red, Blue vs Blue are all interesting). Plenty of scenario's which can be played H2H, especially if not too competitively.
I am considering the NATO module as it provides the greatest diversity of forces for potential H2H fun
Do note that the Syrian airborne forces Joch mentioned are in the marine module and that module also has the T-90 and BMP-3. Also the Syrian special forces/airborne loadouts are bugged on QB side of things. They only come with one or two rounds for their RPGs. This issue has existed since release and there's been no mention of it in the patch change logs, so as far as I know it hasn't been fixed.
If I recall correctly NATO module only adds air assets for the Syrians.
Also the Syrian special forces/airborne loadouts are bugged on QB side of things. They only come with one or two rounds for their RPGs. This issue has existed since release and there's been no mention of it in the patch change logs, so as far as I know it hasn't been fixed.

Hi, just checked my instal. QB selection, Mech infantry battalion. BMPs come with RPGs so you can load up each squad with 5 RPG rounds. Not sure what issue you are referring to.

Note also that QBs do not include everything which you have access to in the scenario editor.
Hi, just checked my instal. QB selection, Mech infantry battalion. BMPs come with RPGs so you can load up each squad with 5 RPG rounds. Not sure what issue you are referring to.

Note also that QBs do not include everything which you have access to in the scenario editor.
Yeah there is some RPG rounds in the BMPs, but mounted/ dismounted infantry with RPG's come with very limited supply organically. For example special forces in QB get only 1 or 2 rounds, instead of 5 (which is full supply in editor). Airborne troops get 1 or 2 AT rounds, no thermobaric or HE rounds, etc. Also the rounds in the BMP are always the PG-7V / VL rounds, never the PG-7VR tandem heat round.
So this is a bug imo, which has indeed been there since CMSF2 and has been reported since.
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