Just some random sh*t.

Ron Cobb, designer Nostromo set, from Alien (1979), had an idea that every label on the ship has to have a clear meaning and purpose; he thus invented this interstellar standard for signs and labels in commercial spaceflight.

Wow that is interesting!

I notice that the symbol for Radiation Hazard is a dead guy on the floor.
Which coudl be taken for sleeping quarters (see cyrogenic vault) ;D

Interesting how Coffee get sits own symbol (which is actually not that different to a person lying down...)

I think modern iconologists/graphic designers would have some interesting commentary on this.
I think I'd get bored living to hundreds of years old on this planet, mostly full of morons.

Speaking of which, here's some puerile nonsense... :D

...and they no longer exist in the future -- we'll be able to medically fix everything!! -- the crews can even smoke again! :ROFLMAO:

There's a song about that.......

I used to think of journalism (especially investigative journalism) as brave (an often dangerous job) truth-bringers, exposing lies of the powerful (and criminals) to the people.

Over the last couple of decades, I have become increasingly skeptical and jaded about what is published.
Dodgy corporate interests and media monopolies have destroyed my trust.

And now, to keep an eye on current affairs, I'm forced to piece together a flawed jigsaw from many sources.
In particular, I've had to expand my horizons to what I guess would be called 'alternative media', which has its own risks and drawbacks.

However, some of the most effective vehicles for information I've found are on youtube (yes, youtube...sigh), from political comedians.
They present their own research into issues, and in a way that makes it easy to understand subjects which are so dry they could put a hyperactive kid to sleep.
Stuff I never would have heard about from regular sources.

Here's an example. Juice Media rips into dodgy actions by the government...and crack me up (featuring one of my now-favourite terms: "den of mendacious shitlords").

Another is this FriendlyJordies. A couple of university students who expose corruption that is rarely covered in the media.
They presented stories about the premier and deputy premier of their state (New South Wales), who both resigned shortly after and are under investigation by the ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption).
The deputy premier even tried to shut him up by sending the federal terrorism police to his producer's family home, and slapping law suits on both of them (which failed).
Is true investigative journalism now only to be found on the Youtube channel of a couple of university students? Maybe so.

In this one, they examine the media's coverage of the lady who was premier stepping down while under investigation into corruption.

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Smelling that smell again, or something skirting dangerously close to it... :poop:
Huh? Was that in reply to my post @Stafford?
If so, I'm confused. Is it because Australian political parties are mentioned in the videos?
My post (and the content of the videos) are within the context of my subject matter, which is the accuracy of reporting by media, and the effectiveness of political comedy in regards to exposing corruption.
Or am I misinterpreting your post entirely?
Yes, that stink is politics. I agree with the main point of the post, that actual investigative journalism is dead in the MSM and what we have instead is politics tainted yellow pseudojournalism, except from independent creators who will generally back up their articles/videos with actual sources.

I was going to make a more direct response to the post but couldn't really do so without getting political, and as I don't want to throw a match into the petrol soaked skip bin that is Australian politics, I'll keep my opinion private.
Okay, no worries.
For me, I don't feel strongly towards any political party.
I just want whatever government has the wheel to make sound, balanced decisions based on data and expert advice...and not to be corrupt. :)
Do you have family and friends who get heated about political tribes? I'm interested to hear your viewpoint...but I suppose this isn't the place to air them.
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