ArmA 3 session Sunday 23rd January - 11:00 GMT


FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Apologies for the late notice.

Following an incursion by a small Vietcong strike force who successfully raided a South Vietnamese POW-camp, freeing their comrades, a SOG force has been given a green light for a deep incursion

Mission brief is on a need to know basis, details on form up. Slots for 8 players.

Teamspeak address:
Server address:
Provided on the day in TS

We are using the Vietnam modlist
Vietnam modlist

@Concord @Gnarly @Aurelius @Vartuoosi @Nathangun @Redbully
Reporting for duty, sah!

Some feedback
I think the mission idea and design was sound, but the tracker module (and probably LAMBS_suppression) spawned too many AI. I would probably redo the mission using a few preset patrols (with random patrol points) synched to a reinforcement module rather than the tracker module. I think the tracker module is meant for escape or survive scenarios, where the enemy knows you are there and is mobilized to hunt you down. In this mission you could start the tracker module with a trigger after the team has ambushed their target and is compromised, and then needs to GTFO.

From our first run taken after the team started taking casualties. (Player position is the camera icon)

I will have to open the code for the tracker module and see if it uses knowsAbout, and if it uses knowsAbout any blufor or only players. If it does it will probably conflict with LAMBS_Suppression. (AI always knows about enemies as their suppression target counts as an enemy, even if the player has moved 2km away from it, which would increment their response consistently even if they don't actually know where the player is.)

Did you sync the tracker modules to a reinforcement module?
Simpler fix - start earlier, so we have the cover of darkness. Spotted too easily this way. Probably made too much noise as well.
Simpler fix - start earlier, so we have the cover of darkness. Spotted too easily this way. Probably made too much noise as well.
That would only work if we manage to get there completely undetected, and would not remedy any underlying issues. I think the tracker module is cool and useful, but at the same time i think opfor spawns too close, like a company lying in ambush.
That would only work if we manage to get there completely undetected, and would not remedy any underlying issues. I think the tracker module is cool and useful, but at the same time i think opfor spawns too close, like a company lying in ambush.
It does sound like a module that is really designed to 'push' the players / keep them moving, rather than a direct engagement (in which we/they would eventually get swamped). i.e. great for pace-setting / to keep the players moving aka extraction/evasion/break contact, rather then assault.