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ArmA 3 session Sunday 8th January - 11:00 GMT / 12:00 CET


FGM Company Sergeant Major
Jan 2, 2020
Reaction score
Happy new year everyone!
We will be playing another session of hearts and minds.

We are an Hellenic country recovering from a civil war. We are fighting a foreign backed insurgency on some of our islands, we are supplied by mostly old European arms.

Our reputation is still somewhat bad and we are still required to improve it.

Modlist can be found here
(Note: Modlist has not yet been updated and will be very soon, but not for this session)

Server IP:
Server Port: 2672
Password: FBM
TS address: srv32.ts3.hu:4000
I'm gonna dive into the mission file to figure out how to manually add reputation so i can refund our reputation loss from dsync.

The locals still seem to be somewhat upset about our presence. Friendly talk has not had success.

I am considering stopping this H&M mission to make a new one with support addons (helicopter transport, mortar, etc), and potentially some scripting for unconscious AI. If anyone has a setting in mind feel free to post it.

Some ideas: US in *Middle east country*, Peacekeeping in southern Africa (UN), Soviets in Afghanistan.
Then there is also, peacekeeping in Eastern Germany (Global Mobilization DLC), and Vietnam.
These will feature the translator role if applicable.
Takistani Army against Takistani Insurgents? Whatever is chosen, there must be tanks in it!
Takistani Army against Takistani Insurgents? Whatever is chosen, there must be tanks in it!
Could run one on the LYTHIUM map.

Tanks are a bit odd in a H&M setting, very prone to collateral damage. (Both civilian and infrastructure)
Takistan Insurgents don't have anything bigger than technicals IIRC.

My image of H&M is ligth foot / mrap patrols outside of operations.
I think Lythium would make for an interesting map. I feel like i should give everyone a chance to input on the setting.

Player FactionsEnemy Faction
Takistani Army (FAL / AK) (No interpreter)Takistani Insurgents
NATO (BAF + US) with two different bases. (Modern or 2000's)Takistani Army
NATO (BAF + US) with two different bases. (Modern or 2000's)Afghan National Army
Custom FactionTakistani Army + Takistani Insurgents
Armed forces of the Russian FederationTakistani Army
Soviet forces (MSV + VDV)Takistani Insurgents
Takistan National PoliceMiddle East Extremists
Looks good to me, happy to restart, we’re kinda F*cked with the current campaign with such a bad standing. Why flog a dead horse.

It would be great to have AI heli transport, certainly a must for such a big map as Lythium.

How would H&M handle the south west of the map, there‘s virtually no settlements, would H&M disregard this terrain?

For the SAF/UN peace keepers, what era? Would be nice to be able to upgrade as we progress, not iron-sights the entire campaign.