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ARMA III [Online Co-Op] Roll Call

I will have to setup a dropbox with Dutch and have him send me his mission. I have another mission or two that look pretty good.
Thanks for the game guys.... so close.

Nelson, Septic and Vart had a second crack at Grim Reaper. Facility destroyed and vehicle captured for a race to the ex-filtration site. Sadly a patrolling chopper with missiles had different ideas.

Also good time to point out we are only using the public release build of ARMA, not Beta/Dev builds. Make sure this is deselected if you wish to join us. Unfortunately Lt Bull was unable to connect with a different version. Maybe next time.
More the better. If we get enough guys we can start to have some real fun and fight each other.
Give me a heads up if there's one happening this Sunday chaps.

Pretty sure that's a yes and I think we're having a Stab at Dutch Grenadiers first attempt at a mission. 'Simple' take back the base. Had a quick look at it last night testing for Dutch and there's room for 8 people (IIRC). As the mission is purely infantry and by the looks of it little in the way of stealth, could be a good chance for some of the new chaps to join and learn the ropes of movement/shooting etc.
Same time tomorrow or are we starting a little earlier?

Also, where can we download Dutch's mission? It would make it easier if everyone had it pre-loaded.
I'll be asleep since I'm working the nightshift thisw eekend :(