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First order of the day would be to scrap the POS CMx2 engine and write a new engine taking advantage of modern day tech. No more living in the last decade and catering to dinosaur machines. Oh, and it would necessarily fix the atrocious spotting, have no clunky action square system and would eliminate the 8 bit looking terrain graphics. We could also hire some actual professionals who know what they're doing to do graphics.
I'll make campaigns and scenarios for the community free of charge, oh shit, someone already does that.
Eniced73 - That title.... you bastard. ;)

Must admit it has crossed my mind if I won lotto I'd probably at least put out feelers to the BF management, to see if they were interested in acquiring a silent partner. I wouldn't want to take over the company by any means, but hopefully it would at least offer to give the team the breathing space to be a touch more adventurous and commit to doing CMx2 titles for early war. :) As for me if it made some form or return, laughing. If it didn't, losses declared for tax purposes. :p