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Battlefront Update


FGM Major
Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
Blue Point, New York
Just thought I'd post this here.
I have a question about Matrix and Steam. Do they enhance the game in any way or is it just a place to download from?
Edit: Let me add Slitherine too.

You can see the original post with the picture preview here:

"And a Happy (belated) New Year to you all!

A few of you have pointed out we have a tradition of summarizing the previous year and letting you know what we've got planned for the new year. Since I'm the one that started this tradition I guess I'm on the hook for keeping it going. I wonder if Santa Claus ever regrets thinking to himself "maybe it would be nice to make some toys and give them out to a few good children", not realizing it would become a thing for a few hundred years. Nah, I'm sure he's as happy to keep doing it as I am doing this. It is good fun (though I wouldn't mind some elves, or at least a reindeer with a frick'n laserbeam on its head).

To kick this off, let's review 2021 shall we? It was a busy year for us for sure. The big highlights were the release of the massive Fire & Rubble Module for Red Thunder and the carefully kept quiet Cold War Base Game. The latter being our first release supporting Slitherine's PBEM system and laying the groundwork for the related Tournament system. This on top of some significant work on CM2 Pro for our friends in the UK. Yup, a lot of good stuff.

With that out of the way, I've noticed you guys are pretty much a "that's nice, but what have you done for me lately?" sort of crowd (kinda an inherent gamer trait, eh?). Therefore, I'll get right to the fun bit of outlining what's coming up in 2022. I'm even going to narrow down the timeframe for each release. Think of it as a bonus this year and not a new tradition to expect every year ;)

Updated Cold War (early February) - this extends the newly implemented PBEM++ system to include Slitherine's automated Tournament system. Yup, you can now play for fame, glory, and at times fabulous prizes in a structured environment!

Updated CMSF2 and Black Sea (1st Quarter) - both previously released Matrix/Slitherine CM Families will get the PBEM++ and Tournament systems as free updates. Any bug fixes and what not that have come up from Cold War development will be rolled in as well.

Normandy for Matrix/Steam (March/April) - the entire Normandy Family of games will be released on both Matrix and Steam platforms with PBEM/Tournament features included. Coinciding with this will be a new Battle Pack focusing on early D-Day combat.

Fortress Italy for Matrix/Steam (June/July) - all titles from the Fortress Italy Family goes out onto Matrix/Steam with the PBEM/Tournament features. A Battle Pack is planned to be released at the same time, the specific focus not being fully nailed down as of yet.

Red Thunder for Matrix/Steam (September/October) - as you might expect by now, Matrix/Steam with PBEM/Tournament features. A simultaneous release of a new Battle Pack is also planned. The Pack focuses on Kampfgruppe Mühlenkamp's attempts to keep the Soviets from moving westward in July 1944.

Final Blitzkrieg for Matrix/Steam (December/January) - last, but not least, the final CM2 Family of games will be released for Matrix/Steam with PBEM and Tournament systems. At the same time we'll release a new Module that will extend the timeframe through to the end of the war and introduce Commonwealth Forces plus the last ditch forces of the Third Reich.

For those of you playing along at home, you might have noticed a bit of a theme going on here. In case you haven't, it is that each time we release existing content on Matrix/Steam there will be new content made available for that particular Family of games. By my count it's three Battle Packs and one Module. But wait... there's more!

We're still planning on doing an Engine 5 Upgrade that focuses on performance improvements. No firm idea when this will be ready to talk about more, not to mention when we'll release it. Oh, and it will be a free Upgrade this time around.

At a time yet to be determined we're going to give Black Sea a long awaited Module of its own. This Module will include US Marines, Ukrainian Airborne, and Russian Airborne forces with the usual awesome Campaigns and Battles that come with all Modules. This Module is very far along in development, however we don't want to make guesses as to when it will be released right now. We'll let you know soon enough.

You guys might have noticed through the years that we usually keep a few things out of this traditional post as a surprise for sometime later on in the year. So there's that too.

And no traditional beginning of year bone would be complete without putting out some pretty picture bones to compliment the text. In keeping with that, here's some vehicle shots from the Black Sea Module.

Ah, but before I do that I want to say that we're looking forward to another great year with all of you. We wouldn't still be here after 22 years without your enthusiasm and support. Thank you for continuing to enjoy Combat Mission!

Steve and the rest of Battlefront!"
Finally we get some Commonwealth troops for CMFB ! Been waiting about 2-3yrs for them to show up. Pass me my leather jerkin or better still, pixie suit :)
There should be a whole host of gruelling muddy battles and operations to fight in Holland and Germany.
What is PBEM++ ?
A multiplayer email system?
Yes, "Play By Email Plus Plus". Game turns are exchanged on Slitherine's own servers instead of email using Dropbox tools like CMHelper or "Whose Turn is It".
A player starts the game and selects the "multiplayer" option to continue. Then logs unto the Slitherine server with their Slitherine UserID/Password. From there you can create/issue a challenge, accept a challenge, and participate in Slitherine hosted tournaments. Here's an example for creating a PBEM++ challenge in the FGM FOG2 forum.
I have a question about Matrix and Steam. Do they enhance the game in any way or is it just a place to download from?
Edit: Let me add Slitherine too.
No. Not directly. The binaries are the same no matter where you download them. Steam does have a different installer and different locations for files but the actual .exe and .brz files are the same.

Indirectly they have an impact because they required or negotiated, you choose the word you want, the integration with the file server for the PBEM++ system and something else that I forget if it is announced yet so I may have said to much already.

Regardless the same binaries will be available from all locations, with the small lag times that sometimes happen.
Im not sure the binaries (exe files) are literally the same. Matrix has different DRM (without activation limit).