Boeing 737-8 Malfunction

That is quite an eye opener..........
Which forced the nose down and the plane to dive. At least that is my understanding of what happened.

My father was a long time military and private jet pilot and he told me a story about a famous test pilot, I think it was Scott Crossley, who came to speak at his pilot training graduation. My father and a couple of other cadet colonels charged with escorting him ended up having an adult beverage with him “off the clock” in his BOQ room later that evening. The one thing Mr. Crossley shared with my father that stuck with my dad throughout his flying career was even during an extraordinary event “keep flying the airplane”. I am not so sure with all the sophisticated “safety features” on modern aircraft a pilot can “keep flying the aircraft”.
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So, the crew switched the faulty AI trim system back on.

I doubt that any of us can really know the chaos that was going on in that cockpit, prior to the crash. While the crew probably made errors, I don't believe they are 100% at fault here. Boeing will certainly have to share the blame.

Last words on the black box recorder: "God is good."
Yeah. not a good thing at all. I have to wonder if they posit "bad scenarios", worst case stuff and test the software in a simulator.
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