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<Book Review> "Goering:The Rise and Fall of the Notorious Nazi Leader" by Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel


FGM Major
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Heart of America
A very interesting Biography of Hermann Goering. Staring with his birth and upbringing, you learn that Goering's father was a diplomat, that he lived in Africa for a time, that his godfather offered his family a place to live following his father's retirement from diplomatic service, in which he watched his mother cuckold his father for 15 years with his godfather. Goering was a wilful child and he grew into a wilful man. Used to getting his way, you see how this trait dominated his life.

This book delves into Goering's personality and documents his life and subsequent death. The chapters on how he led the Nazi takeover of the government are spellbinding. I was unaware of Goering's role in Hitler's ascension to power and this book goes into great detail on the events that transpired to bring the Nazis to power. Fascinating reading, yet also terrifying to see how Goering manipulated the system. The book also details Goering's fall from grace, his battles with drug addiction and also offers some interesting insights to Goering's conduct at the Nuremburg trials. The text is augmented with an appendix that sheds light on the Reichstag Fire in greater detail.

This book is well worth your time to read, as it details the life of one of the Reich's more notorious leaders.
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