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Booties FGM HQ Play-List


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Since shuffling my HQ about I now have a TV sitting right beside me hooked up to my PS4 (HERE)with the easy capability of watching it whilst I do work on the site and such like, I am a nightmare for buying DVD's by the bucketload and never really get round to watching them.... time to change that.... so what follows is what has been playing on my system. Tonight I watched....

World War II in Colour : Battleground


Amazon Says : Documentary using rare colour footage to illustrate new perspectives on the Second World War. This volume examines the differing environments in which Allied troops were expected to fight, from the deserts of North Africa to the jungles of Burma and the Pacific. Each theatre of war provided different conditions and presented different challenges for the Allied armies.

Bootie Says : Some nice visuals but really not much actual combat footage... long meandering shots of soldiers digging foxholes and trenches in different types of earth... a little talk on the entrenching tools and such like. I expected battle footage based solely on the battleground part of the title. It was meant literally however. :) Not particularly exciting Im afraid. Next!!

2nd documentary watched this evening is...

War in the Gulf Desert Storm : The Ground Assault.

Excuse the ropey pic... taken on my phone from the screen... :)


Amazon Says : Cant find it on Amazon... LOL

Bootie Says : An enjoyable romp through the first conflict I ever properly paid attention too. I was too young for The Falklands (5 years old) and so this was the war I followed when I was 14 years old. I remember watching it on a daily basis through news reports with my father... and as you know my brother was in the Middle East fighting in it which added to the poignancy. This DVD was ok... some good camera work, a good summary of the vehicles involved but the sound quality was awful. You can actually watch this documentary below - only 45 minutes long. :)

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The 3rd documentary on my playlist tonight was The Lost Evidence : Operation Market Garden.

You can view it here. Im starting to wonder why I bothered buying all these DVD's seeing as most of them are available on YouTube... LOL

Amazon Says : No reviews yet... surprising seeing as its a good few years old.

Bootie Says : Interesting mix of stock WW2 footage, re-enactors and interviews with the veterans themselves. As for Lost Evidence.... a couple of 3D photos from the time and thats about it. Some harrowing descriptions though... the US airborne soldier crossing at Son who seen his mates head pop after getting hit by a 20mm round. Damn!!
Ok thats the wife and child dropped of at work and nursery so the first documentary of today was...

Hitlers War Machine : Danzig and Poland 1939.


Amazon Says : The German Propaganda kompanien (PK) captured the event of Hitler's war on every front. Their footage was used to produce Die Deutsche Wochenschau, a weekly cinema newsreel detailing the events of World War II on land, sea and air.

Bootie Says : As expected complete propaganda to a point where I had to turn it of a quarter of the way through. Story after story of Polish criminals, snipers, murderers attacking the fathers and brothers of the SA etc etc. Oh me.... it just stank of bull. On the other hand though it is interesting to see it and consider it from a Germans perspective at the time. I just felt nauseous at the waves of propaganda washing over me. It is all archive footage and some of it for sure is interesting to see but it is all staged so everything you see needs to be taken with a large pinch of salt.