California - Back to the 1880's!

Sounds rather frustrating. I bet it is especially hard on people with in home medical devices that run off electricity. That would be a difficult situation.

Those battery powered lanterns and battery packs sound like a good idea. Back before the stand by generator we had oil lanterns that we carefully used. Also had young kids at the time. Battery powered lanterns sound much safer. I think (hope) the battery technology has advanced far enough to make them more useful then back in the day.
Do you have fireplace. Sounds like to me you shouldn’t have any trouble finding wood to burn, just walk a PF and E right of way. Kill 2 birds with one stone.
@MOS:96B2P You sound like us. Yeah, the new lanterns I bought are only about 12" high and run on 3 D cells. Specs claims they run for 6 days! That's a bit hard to believe, but they are very, very bright! At least no more oil lamp smells. LOL

@HOA_KSOP Yeah, we have a fire place, but it has a gas heater insert so no wood burning. Good news is it doesn't need electricity to operate.
Weatherman says we can expect a bit of a moderate rain storm to come through No. CA/Bay Area this evening and maybe another one around Saturday. Anyone going to be surprised if the first storm of the season knocks out my power?
Headline on the S.F. Chronicle this morning: "BIGGEST storm in six months to hit Bay Area this afternoon." That's because it's the ONLY storm to come through since the the end of last season's rainy season you moron.
Media: "Oh my God! It's a drought!"
Media: "Oh my God! It's raining!"
Me: sigh
Oh, and here's the front page photo to warn me about what rain may look like! :ROFLMAO:
Apparently the guy ignoring the rain shower and doing his landscaping job is the rare exception to the perils of the BIGGEST rain storm in six months.

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Weatherman says we can expect a bit of a moderate rain storm to come through No. CA/Bay Area this evening and maybe another one around Saturday. Anyone going to be surprised if the first storm of the season knocks out my power?
Headline on the S.F. Chronicle this morning: "BIGGEST storm in six months to hit Bay Area this afternoon." That's because it's the ONLY storm to come through since the the end of last season's rainy season you moron.
Media: "Oh my God! It's a drought!"
Media: "Oh my God! It's raining!"
Me: sigh
Oh, and here's the front page photo to warn me about what rain may look like! :ROFLMAO:
Apparently the guy ignoring the rain shower and doing his landscaping job is the rare exception to the perils of the BIGGEST rain storm in six months.


Hey, the good news is the dam's fixed...just saying...
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Here we go again. May lose power starting this afternoon around 18oo hrs.
Out of last years frustration I checked into a full size (I think it was 22Kw?), top of the line, residential power generator.
A mere $14,500. Installation alone costs around $10,000!
Decided we will probably pass on that. Remind me next time I'm sitting here in the dark.
Shortly after the above post I got an email from my local, weekly, newspaper the Half Moon Bay Review. Basically, it said there would be no power
outages on the coastside ( the "coastside" runs along Hwy 1 from Pacifica about 4 miles to my north, to HMB approx 8.5 miles to my south). The Review
was nice enough to include a link to the appropriate PG&E information site. No planned outages anywhere nearby, this time. Nothing on the entire peninsula
I don't know how serious the threat actually is/was. Weather facts don't really even suggest a threat anything close to one of those power-debacles from last year. PG&E
now has to play the roll of The Boy Who Cried Wolf anytime there is the slightest breeze through No. CA Mts. That's because they get sued if they don't. Actually, they'll
probably get sued anyway: "...for spreading unnecessary panic through CA households. The poor and people of color being affected more than those of white privilege.
Call (#We Su Four Yu) if you feel you may have suffered anything resembling emotional distress, or may suffer some emotional distress in the future."
I've read a few articles that PG&E has been working hard to be able to reduce the area of power outages. They are trying to be more precise with their area power reductions.
This requires an enormous amount of work as they didn't have any capability like that last year. Just shut off that big power line over there and hope for the best. Major fires
anywhere near me are very, very rare (well except that one a couple of months ago caused by massive lightening strikes). In fact that is the only one I know of, not counting some
much further to the south around Santa Cruz, CA.
I'm hoping today is a sign of progress. :rolleyes: (That's me hoping.)
Well, the last time my power was out due to a freak snowstorm for 6 days, I read a lot. I know you do a lot of Kindle reading, so should I send you a book or two?

People suing in California? Yeah, the most litigious state in the country. I am sure you'd get sued for farting on the subway in California. All that mental anguish and all.
Here we go again. May lose power starting this afternoon around 18oo hrs.
Out of last years frustration I checked into a full size (I think it was 22Kw?), top of the line, residential power generator.
A mere $14,500. Installation alone costs around $10,000!
Decided we will probably pass on that. Remind me next time I'm sitting here in the dark.

A couple of weeks ago I didn't have power for a few hours, first in a long time. Me/we aren't prepared for that at all; I did have a candle laying around and it's not that I'd die. But no fridge, no light except the emergency lights in the hall (live in a flat), wouldn't be able to set my alarm if the phone runs out of battery plus working from home without electricity: forgetabout it.
I was thinking about how fucked we would be if power would be out for a couple of days. I'd survive, yes, but couldn't get done much more than that.

Than the power came back on a few hours later and things got back to how they were.
Oh, my. Now I don't know what to believe.
Just checked another PG&E outage map and it appears it only missed me by about 1/2 mile!!
The good news is how very selective the outage was. Some heavy woods in some areas not too far east of me and those are the areas they shut down.
If they can be that selective now, in my somewhat rural area, perhaps that bodes well for the/my future?
On the other hand the weather around me is neither fire dry, hot, or all that windy, so unclear why they felt they had to turn it off in the first place.
I love California.
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Oh, my. Now I don't know what to believe.
Just checked another PG&E outage map and it appears it only missed me by about 1/2 mile!!
The good news is how very selective the outage was. Some heavy woods in some areas not too far east of me and those are the areas they shut down.
If they can be that selective now, in my somewhat rural area, perhaps that bodes well for the/my future?
On the other hand the weather around me is neither fire dry, hot, or all that windy, so unclear why they felt they had to turn it off in the first place.
I love California.
PG&E shut my power off at 11:12 p.m. last night. ( While I was watching Equalizer 2.) The notice I received indicated that the outage will last, at a minimum, until 10:00 p.m. this evening ... and likely longer. It’s breezy outside. But not disconcertingly windy.
So if I understand correctly you guys have 'plenty' of power outages because the lines can't cope with heavy winds? Full days without power are indeed quite cumbersome I imagine. Are there any reimbursements? Not that that makes all go away, but it usually helps making sure the company has incentive to allow outages not to frequently.
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