Can we download battles used in tournaments, to use to PBEM?



Not sure if this is possible. But if it is, can you help me and tell me where to go to find them.

All the best. F
Hi Gunner.

Was looking to play some of the battles you guys play in your tournaments.

Some time ago, you could find them while browsing the tournament's thread. Not any more.

Its a way of training to play in future tournaments.

Any idea if you can get them online?

All the best. Fred
Hey Fred,
If you know the name of the tournament you may be able to find them over at the Scenario Depot.
Or try and contact those who were running the tournaments.

Some tournaments only supply a QB map and players choose their own troops.
Few tournaments are using unique scenarios to a tournament.

Here is the first one from one of my tournaments.
It's H2H only.

Good luck!
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