CM Demo




I am a new member from Germany and I like this forum. I am looking forward to play (lose) some H2H games here hopefully in the future.

Regarding the Demo I would like to ask if it is possible to update the Demoversion towards the new game engine?
I have downloaded and installed the CM Final Blitzkrieg Demo and it is V1.01 Game Engine 3. I also looked into the CM Fortress Italy Demo, but it looks like the game engine is there even older.

I never tried to update a CM demo application and I dont believe it is possible.
Thanks! That is sad. If I can not update the Demo towards the newest Game Engine and Patch I will not be able to play H2H, because all other player have a different version and it is not compatible? Is that correct?
In this case I would have to buy the full version to be able to play H2H.
Yes you and your opponent both have to be on the same version In order to play H2H.
I believe you can have a demo version and the upgraded version of a particular game on the same computer. But you would only be able to play the scenarios that came with the demo with another person.
If you liked the demo why not get the full version?
You are right, I am going to buy the full version. I will consider buying Battle Normandy, or Fortress Italy, or Red Thunder.
Thanks for your help!
You can't go wrong with any of them in my opinion. I am biased tho...I have them all haha
Glad to be of assistance
Happy gaming!!
You are right, I am going to buy the full version. I will consider buying Battle Normandy, or Fortress Italy, or Red Thunder.
Thanks for your help!

Battle for Normandy has the largest content by far, both in campaigns, scenarios and mods. It has several expansions with Market Garden, Commonwealth and a battle pack which all have to be purchased but I believe there is a bundle. Most of the community will have all of the downloads, so if you are looking for H2H games I'd suggest you setup the battle to ensure your opponent isn't using content you don't have, unless you buy the full bundle(s).

Fortress Italy has some good content, including 2 expansions, Fortress Italy and Rome to Victory, but not as much as Battle for Normandy. Red Thunder doesn't have anywhere near as much content, espcially for Single Player.

Whilst your wish may be H2H play, single player helps you hone your skills and get a better understanding for the game. Personally I'd recommend Battle for Normandy to start because of the available content, representing the best value for money.
I will pick Fortress Italy first, Battle Normady is the close second choice.
Also I am going to pick a few mods which will improve the game experience further.

Stay healthy!

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