download link for special saved game file prestaged scenario (crazy kohlenklau)



I was cleaning out the old hard drive and found this thing I had made back in March 2015. An odd concept but I hope you enjoy it.

It is a special prestaged saved game file scenario FOR CMBN. You download it and put it in your CMBN saved games folder.

NOTE: Today I have CMBN Game Engine 3, version 3.11. So I guess I need to buy the upgrade and maybe DL some patches. I will ASAP...if you have my CMBN version or newer, you should be able to load and play this special treat.

DOWNLOAD LINK ---->>> CMBN MG Bridge over the River Dommel

Here is the readme...

This is a Prestaged CMBN Saved File Battle as axis against the British AI.

Put it in your CMBN saved games folder.
Open it and down in "menus" click on and read the briefing very carefully.
The scenario starts for you at 0635. Track the time carefully. Read the briefing.

Burke arrives at 0645. Guyver arives at 0655. The scenario ends somewhere between 0700-0705.

One rule not covered in the briefing: DO NOT (D-O N-O-T!!) TOUCH OR USE OR CHANGE ANY OFF-MAP ARTILLERY/MORTARS.


Read the briefing!
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