Hi Everyone from Godzone

Hmmmmm is he one of those that gloat somewhat? or is it more a case of dancing naked around the room singing victory songs? or is it even more disgusting? Inquiring minds want to know (probably not but hey)

@Titan @Meat Grinder
:) Yes i enjoy winning...But i enjoy a good game and good opponent even better. But hey the Meat Grinders Scalp was nice to take....However he has already issued me a new challenge so i dear say he will mean business big time and is after blood....My blood. Should be fun.
Winning is good, celebrating winning is good, running naked through the town centre swinging a broadsword above your head yelling I defeated them all, their families belong to me, I will bathe in their blood! can get you some funny looks :)

(Oh dear Zinzan needs a sit down now.)
:) Yes i enjoy winning...But i enjoy a good game and good opponent even better. But hey the Meat Grinders Scalp was nice to take....However he has already issued me a new challenge so i dear say he will mean business big time and is after blood....My blood. Should be fun.

Yo, @Titan. If you own CMFI, then come on down to the Hang Em High tournament and sign on. I need one more scalp hunter to round out the posse . . . :2charge:
I had look at that Badger, i'm a little slow at times and couldn't quite understand how it works

I'd be happy to coach you through it, both to get started and throughout the tournament.
Basically, you are signing up for three (3) consecutive 15 minute TINY scenario's on SMALL maps against three different opponents playing CMFI for the next three months.
  1. Round 1 is a 15 minute Blue-on-Blue battle with a platoon of Italian tanks to take objectives and kill the enemy against a randomly assigned opponent.
  2. Round 2 is a 15 minute Blue-on-Blue battle with a platoon of British tanks to take objectives and kill the enemy against a different randomly assigned opponent.
  3. Round 3 is a 15 minute Blue-on-Blue battle with a platoon of German tanks to take objectives and kill the enemy against a third randomly assigned opponent.
Each round scores tournament points for every player. At the end of these three rounds, the two players with the highest total scores earned in the previous three rounds go against each other in a Final Round which will be a 15 minute Blue-on-Blue battle with a platoon of American tanks to take objectives and kill the enemy.
These quick and brutal "Death Match" tourney's are a great way to meet new people and shoot high velocity projectiles at them . . . :2charge:
Please consider joining. Both @Meat Grinder and me would be happy to mentor you (and every other participant) through the process.
Think about it and let me know soon. Thanks for asking.
I'm a newbie that would be like jumping into a pit full of Pitbulls..Id get ripped to shreds
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