I Am Back


iron mike usmc

I am back; not only do I have some time again, I finally got a new PC, so I can run CMx1 again. Cheers.
Welcome back soldier! Where have you been all the time?
Glad to have you back old friend and gaming chum for years...may be I can whoop your sorry a$$ again ;)
Thanks, all. Let's see, I changed careers and between school and internship, had little to no time for gaming; also, my PC's graphics card crapped out about a year ago, so I could not run ANY games, and, could not afford a new card or PC.

Numberz, I may be rusty, but I am not worn out (yet). Since I applied to play for the Allies (awaiting response) in Domination 2011, maybe we will face off once again there.
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