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Oh, Canada...

PC Alert - no and you mean "unrepresentative minority" of the religion of pieces.
No I mean cowardly bastards who set car bombs off and kill innocent people and kill anyone not of their faith and for good measure destroy ancient historical sites for no apparent reason than they are a worthless effing ignorant psychopathic criminal thugs hiding behind a religion... is that PC enough for you

As to the gentleman doing what he's doing because he wants to leave a legacy, I respect his effort but there are far more altruistic things out there to leave a legacy on.
See what? Why do we all pander to the LCD. My God, grow some iron in your ass because there will always be someone chewing it or kicking it.
Just can't let this go, can you? OK then.
"I fail to see how asking women and girls to stand and be counted as honouring their country along side men and boys is a bad thing."
So, you're saying that unless 5 words are changed in the national anthem women and girls, who have apparently never stood up to be counted on to honour their country in the past, will now be more willing and able to do so? LOL!
I loath political correctness because it is time, effort and resources that could be spent on real problems rather than making true believers feel good about themselves. There will be absolutely no effect on the future actions of Canadian women and girls as a result of this change. None. Zero.
Couldn't have said better myself.
No I mean cowardly bastards who set car bombs off and kill innocent people and kill anyone not of their faith and for good measure destroy ancient historical sites for no apparent reason than they are a worthless effing ignorant psychopathic criminal thugs hiding behind a religion... is that PC enough for you
Woah woah woah. Lethal was being sarcastic. Check the last word in his sentence ;).

As to the gentleman doing what he's doing because he wants to leave a legacy, I respect his effort but there are far more altruistic things out there to leave a legacy on.
I don't. It's actually pretty selfish when you sit down and think about it. It's all about him.
In "true" and recent Canadian fashion, I'll sit on the fence on this one. ;) But saying that, it is politics. At least to me that is. Governments say and do many things to get into power and then use it further party (or sometimes personal) agendas, sometimes regardless to what the voters wanted. There is nothing new nowadays where governments think they know better in the populace, true or not.