Operation Konrad - Round 2 General Thread

I found time for an update this morning!

The results of the completed games are:
1) Tolna German attack (@Drifter Man vs @Aurelius ) - German Tactical Victory, Bn A of Soviet 23rd Rifle Corps eliminated. Germans claim Tolna.
2) Zamoly German attack (@dkchapuis vs. @jackal ) - German Tactical Victory, Soviet 68th Rifle Corps destroyed. Germans claim Zamoly.
3) Budapest/Margit Island (@Spoogles vs. @Cargol ) - Draw, both the Soviet 63rd Guards Rifle Division and German SS Polizei Regiment 6 were destroyed. Margit Island can be re-occupied by a different German unit for Round 3.

The status of the remaining battles is:
4) Osi German Attack (@Guardsman vs @Bleskaceq ) - Turn 84, 4 minutes left
5) Takod Soviet counterattack (@Gorst vs @Brille ) - Turn 46, 23 minutes left
6) Balatonfokajar German attack (@Car88 vs @Monty's Mighty Moustache ) - Turn 30, 32 minutes left
I'd ask folks to pick up the pace where they can so that Round 2 doesn't drag into late October.

So far, the Round 2 end state campaign map looks like this:
Konrad Rd2 Mid.jpg
I'll refrain from further discussion here about Round 3 team options/potential actions, upcoming reserves, etc. since there is a lot of gaming left to play.
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Hello all-
I will be traveling to Israel from Tuesday 9/26 to the following Wednesday, 10/4 on short notice. I'll be able to check on things here, but won't have gaming access to answer specific in-match questions.
Update time!!!!

The results of the completed games are:
1) Tolna German attack (@Drifter Man vs @Aurelius ) - German Tactical Victory, Bn A of Soviet 23rd Rifle Corps eliminated. Germans claim Tolna.
2) Zamoly German attack (@dkchapuis vs. @jackal ) - German Tactical Victory, Soviet 68th Rifle Corps destroyed. Germans claim Zamoly.
3) Budapest/Margit Island (@Spoogles vs. @Cargol ) - Draw, both the Soviet 63rd Guards Rifle Division and German SS Polizei Regiment 6 were destroyed. Margit Island can be re-occupied by a different German unit for Round 3.
4) Osi German Attack (@Guardsman vs @Bleskaceq ) - Soviet Minor Victory, Bn B of the German 1st Panzer Division destroyed. Soviets retain Osi.
5) Takod Soviet counterattack (@Gorst vs @Brille ) - German Minor Victory, Bn A of Soviet 18th Tank Corps desroyed. German retain Tokod.

The status of the remaining battle is:
6) Balatonfokajar German attack (@Car88 vs @Monty's Mighty Moustache ) - Turn 42, 26 minutes left
To be honest, this is an unacceptable rate of play, with only 7 turns in the last 20 days. Normally I'm pretty accommodating about real life and all of that but communication as to why has been negligible, its been going on since JULY, and this is holding up everyone else moving to the next round. At this point, if more than 1 day goes without a turn, then I'm going to take it, regardless of side. If the pace can't pick up, then I will check for other players who can step in. Someone else from your team could also volunteer to step in. I don't like being draconian, but I have to look out for the greater good. Hopefully everyone understand that.

So far, the Round 2 end state campaign map looks like this:
Konrad Rd2 ALmostDone.jpg

Looking ahead to Round 3, both sides will be getting some new Reserves, and both sides can make 2 Reserve moves. As before, the Soviets can counterattack using a Reserve unit on ONE track, so at the very least some of the Germans will be moving ahead to Dorog, Tarjan, and/or Csakvar depending on what the Soviets choose to do. Also note that the German battle at Osi (and at Balatonfuku, should the Germans lose this in Round 2) will become Meeting Engagements, per the schedule in the Rules, which will be an interesting change.

More to come....
Any news on how the last match is going?

Did @dkchapuis overtake the german part?

I would have also volunteered but am currently on vacation till wednesday.
this round 2 is taking forever to complete! We need some Round 3 action, our landsers are freezing their nuts off in foxholes ;)
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