Operation Konrad - Round 3 General Thread


FGM Company Sergeant Major
Here is the updated campaign map going into Round 3:
OpKonrad Round 3 Orders.jpg

  • 3rd Kavallerie Brigade is added to German reserve pool
  • 2nd Guards Mech Corps and 23rd Tank Corps added to the Soviet reserve pool
  • No additions to the Budapest forces
  1. Both sides issue orders: Reserve deployments, German attacks, Soviet counterattacks
  2. German players are notified of counterattacks
  3. Both sides pick battalions to use and update the deployment matrices
  4. Campaign map is updated and published.
The Deployment Matrices have been updated in the team-specific Dropboxes:
A "Round 3" tab has been added to each Deployment Matrix
Soviet commanders have been rotated, per schedule
Available units/reserves have been updated
Cells in YELLOW will require input

Tracks to Budapest Notes:
The German team may make up to 2 deployment "moves." This could include any combination of adding Reserve units to Tracks, and/or pulling Reserve units from Tracks and back to the Reserve Pool. Note that since the 3rd Panzer Division was eliminated at Balatonfokajar, one of the two deployment moves MUST be place a reserve on this track.

The Soviet team may deploy up to 2 reserve units on different tracks. Remember that Soviet reserves are required for a counterattack - Soviet Core Units CANNOT counterattack.

The Soviets may counterattack against ONE zone. As counterattacks are not allowed against starting zones (on the far left), the possible Soviet counterattack locations are Tokod, Tolna, or Zamoly. If the Soviets choose to counterattack, the battle type will be dictated by the type of defending unit chosen by the German commander: If the German player elects to use an Infantry battalion, the resulting battle will be a Soviet Probe; If he elects to use an Armor or Armored Infantry battalion, the resulting battle will be a Meeting Engagement.

The German player will be notified of a counterattack, and will have the opportunity to declare which unit will defend (if more than one is present). The Soviet player will not know what type of battle until orders/deployments are given, and must take into consideration that German reserve deployments may change the composition fo the defending force. The German player may not know which specific battalion will be counterattacking, when a counterattacking unit has more than one battalion.

Budapest Notes:
The map shows German unit locations from the last round, but none of these are “locked,” and @Cargol is free to change these around during Orders.

The Soviet players can choose to attack at a different location in Budapest than Margaret Island, if they so wish. Margaret Island starts unoccupied, but the Germans will fill it with a replacement unit since the Soviets did not capture it outright. If the Soviets pick Margit Island again, keep in mind that NO VEHICLES are allowed, even if the unit has vehicles.

Maps for Round 3 are up:
https://www.dropbox.com/home/Op Konrad/Op Konrad QB Maps?di=left_nav_browse
The final map depends on whether or not there is a counterattack, and the nature of the counterattack matchup.

Pilis Track: @Brille vs @Aurelius
OK Dorog Rd3
OK Tokod Rd3 Meet
OK Tokod Rd3 Soviet CS

Gerecse Track: @Drifter Man vs @jackal
OK Tarjan Rd3
OK Tolna South Rd3 ME
OK Tolna South Rd3 Soviet CA

Vertes Track: @dkchapuis vs @Bleskaceq
OK Csakvar Rd3
OK Zamoly ME Rd3
OK Zamoly Soviet CA Rd3

Velence Track: @Guardsman vs @Monty's Mighty Moustache
OK Osi Rd3 West Meet

Puszta Track: @Shady Side vs @Spoogles
OK Balatonfokajar Rd3 ME

Budapest: @Cargol vs. @Gorst
Gorst picks one of the following:
BU-Train Station Probe
BU-RoseHill Probe
BU-Eagle Hill Probe
BU-Csepel Probe
BU-Cemetery Probe
BU-Margit Island Rd3
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One important note that I forgot to mention above:
Since the Soviets failed in their counterattack from Dorog to Tokod in Round 2, the German team has the option to capture Dorog without further combat. In this case, the next battle would be either 1) a Meeting Engagement at Piliszentlelek or 2) a Soviet counterattack at Dorog.
The Germans can only use this option ONCE in the campaign, and they should let me know their decision on this topic first, since multiple other decisions hinge on this.

@Drifter Man @Bleskaceq
Quick question. In the rules PDF the 22 SS Kav Div is listed as a SS Straggler unit, which is "infantry only", but on the campaign map that unit is sporting an Armored Infantry NATO symbol.
Quick question. In the rules PDF the 22 SS Kav Div is listed as a SS Straggler unit, which is "infantry only", but on the campaign map that unit is sporting an Armored Infantry NATO symbol.
@Gorst - the rules are correct. It is Straggler infantry formation.
Orders are complete for both sides except for @Gorst needing to pick the site of battle in Budapest, and the Soviet unit to use.
Once this is done, I will publish the map and everyone can let me know what Battalions they will be using.
Movement orders are in!
OpKonrad Rd3 Start.jpg

Germans reinforce Tolna with the dreaded King Tiger-equipped sPz Abt 509, and Puszta with the 96th Infantry Division.
Soviets reinforce Tarjan with the 7th Mech Corps, and Balatonfokajar with the 1st Guards Mech Coprs.

In a rare show of Soviet mercy, the Bolshevik focus moves from Margit Island to the hills of Buda - with lightly-armored Guards infantry facing off against PDiv FHH.

Pilis: German Attack on Dorog
Gerecse: German Attack on Tarjan
Vertes: German attack on Csakvar
Velence: Meeting Engagement at Osi
Puszta: Meeting Engagement at Puszta
Rose Hill: Soviet Probe

Remember that German armored/armored infantry attacks using Reserves still gain a +10% QB points advantage. This rule does not apply to defending Soviet armor.

These will be our first Meeting Engagements of the campaign. After having some time to game these out, I am going to amend the rules and disallow pre-planned bombardment for Meeting Engagements. While I've seen it be effective yet not game-breaking in modern titles, when testing this last few days, it's potentially devastating in these CMRT battles and confers an advantage to German armored infantry who may be less affected by this. I also looked at my notes and had Meeting Engagements set up this way in my early campaign design. Not sure why I changed it in the rules, but I did.

With all of this in mind, please check and updated the Deployment matrices with which Battalion and unit you plan to use in combat (or just IM me).

Once done, I will publish the battle parameters and everyone can start Round 3 battles!!!!

@Aurelius @Brille @Drifter Man @jackal @dkchapuis @Bleskaceq @Guardsman @Monty's Mighty Moustache @Shady Side @Spoogles @Cargol @Gorst
I'll be away the next two days, with no access to computer for setting up the next games.
Please have your picks in by end of Jan 1 if at all possible, so I can get things going before work resumes.
I'm going to go ahead and start these, since I go back to work tomorrow and may not have time then. Will catch up the last game when I get orders (should be later today).

Budapest - Rose Hill:
@Cargol vs @Gorst

Historical: Roszadomb (Rose Hill) was a relatively affluent neighborhood in hilly Buda. When Budapest was initially encircled, the first fighting in Buda occurred just to the west of this neighborhood at the massive Szent Janos hospital. Over the course of weeks, the Soviets managed to capture the hospital with engineers. At the bottom of Rose Hill lay the southern bridge to Margit Island, and the relatively flat neighborhoods running south to Buda Castle, where the Germans located their HQ. Rose Hill was the strategic position anchoring the entire northern defense of Buda, and was never entirely captured by the Soviets.

Campaign: The Soviet 108th Guards Rifle Division has been tasked with clearing the crest of Rose Hill and advancing to the main north-south road along the Danube. This will split the defenders of Buda and open up the path to Buda Castle from the north. Elements of Panzer-Division Feldherrnhalle (FHH) have recently moved into the area in anticipation of our attack. The Panthers and other AFVs of FHH are one of the last remaining armored forces available to the Budapest defenders.
  • German Player - @Cargol
  • Soviet Player - @Gorst
  • Battle type – Soviet Probe
  • Battle size – Medium
  • Length of Battle – 45 minutes - Note this in longer than previous Budapest games, based on map size. <NOTE This parameter was changed from 40 minutes to 45 on 1/1/24 at 22:00 US CST>
  • Map Selection– Human
  • Map: “BU-RoseHill.btt”
  • Region – Eastern Europe
  • Year/Month – January 1945
  • Daylight – Day
  • Weather – Light Snow
  • Ground condition - Light Snow
  • Temperature - Freezing
  • Rarity – Standard
  • German Service - German Army
  • Soviet Service - Soviet Guards
  • Combat Forces – Mix
  • Unit Purchase – Human
  • Map Preview – Preview Allowed
  • Force Adjustments – None
  • Difficulty Level = Elite
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Pilis Mountains - Dorog:
@Brille vs @Aurelius

Historical: After conducting a crossing from the north to the south bank of the Danube on January 1, 1945 which outflanked Soviet defenders along the river bank, the 96th Infantry Division moved east towards Gran (Esztergom). Tokod was captured on January 3, but then advance elements ran into a strong Soviet blocking force near Dorog, consisting of a Soviet rifle regiment and both T-34 and JS-2 tanks. Despite the mismatch, the 96th attacked Dorog on January 5. By this time, most of its StuGs were out of action, and the attack was a failure. Over the next few days, hard fighting resulted in the germans nearly encircling the town. A major push on January 7 resulted in the Germans capturing the town center, but a counterattack by the 37th Tank Brigade of the 2nd Guards Mech Corps resulted in them being pushed back to the outskirts.
By January 9, the German 711th Infantry Division had advanced past Dorog along the banks of the Danube to Gran. This opportunity to advance in the north became Konrad II, and both the Wiking and Totenkopf Divisions were re-oriented to attack through the Pilis mountains. German forces advanced to Piliszentlelek, but despite many attempts, they were unable to capture Dorog, which remained an obstacle to concentrating forces, resupply, and communications for the Germans that had advanced further east. On January 12, Konrad II was canceled.

Campaign: After capturing Tokod, Sturmpanzer Abteilung 219 and the 711th Infantry Division weathered a Soviet counterattack by T-34s of the 18th Tank Corps. The Soviets have fallen back to Dorog, which lies at the base of hills that control two valleys - that lead further through the Pilis Mountains. The Germans will need to capture the town and key heights and/or bridges to support further advance.
  • German Player - @Brille
  • Soviet Player - @Aurelius
  • Battle type – GERMAN Attack
  • Battle size – Medium
  • Length of Battle – 45 minutes
  • Map Selection– Human
  • Map: “OK Dorog R3.btt”
  • Region – Eastern Europe
  • Year/Month – January 1945
  • Daylight – Day
  • Weather – Light Snow
  • Ground condition - Light Snow
  • Temperature - Freezing
  • Rarity – Loose
  • German Service - German Army
  • Soviet Service - Soviet Army
  • Combat Forces – Mix
  • Unit Purchase – Human
  • Map Preview – Preview Allowed
  • Force Adjustments – Germans +10%
  • Difficulty Level = Elite
Gerecse Mountains - Tarjan:
@Drifter Man vs @jackal

Historical: After bypassing Tolna in the opening days of Operation Konrad I, the 5th SS Panzer Division spent the afternoon and evening of January 2/3 day working down the road to Tarjan, where the terrain opened up. They were hampered by pockets of Soviet infantry from the 80th Guards Rifle Division left behind and fighting along the mountain roads.
Tarjan was assaulted on the morning of January 3 by KG Dorr with a mixed force of panzers and SPW-mounted infantry. The defending 93rd Rifle Division had force-marched to Tarjan during the night, and had not time to prepare defenses. KG Dorr overwhelmed them, and cleared the town by afternoon of January 3. The Soviets retreated during the evening of Jan 3/4. By mid-day January 4, the Wiking Division pushed on towards Germely and Bicske.

Campaign: After the mauling of the panzer regiment of 6th Panzer Division during a daring thrust through the forest roads to Tarjan, the armored infantry was able to take a more southerly, circuitous route to capture the hills and outskirts of Tarjan. This unhinged the defenses west of Tarjan, and the Soviets have fallen back to the northern part of the town. German forces have advanced down the previously-blocked forest roads and no stand ready to capture the vital road network running through Tarjan.
  • German Player - @Drifter Man
  • Soviet Player - @jackal
  • Battle type – German Attack
  • Battle size – Medium
  • Length of Battle – 45 minutes
  • Map Selection– Human
  • Map: “OK Tarjan Rd3.btt”
  • Region – Eastern Europe
  • Year/Month – January 1945
  • Daylight – Day
  • Weather – Light Snow
  • Ground condition - Light Snow
  • Temperature - Freezing
  • Rarity – Loose
  • German Service - German Army
  • Soviet Service - Soviet Army
  • Combat Forces – Mix
  • Unit Purchase – Human
  • Map Preview – Preview Allowed
  • Force Adjustments – German +10%
  • Difficulty Level = Elite
Velence - Osi:
@Guardsman vs. @Monty's Mighty Moustache

Historical: The area northwest of Osi had been the site of multiple weak, failed German counterattacks in December 1944. For Operation Konrad I, the 1st Panzer Division staged a diversionary attack on Osi on January 1, 1945. The Soviets expected a major counterattack in Hungary in early January, and believed that Osi was the focal point for German operations aimed at Stuhlweissenburg / Szekesfehervar and on to Budapest. As a result, Osi was fortified and there were significant reserves behind it. The Germans captured the town on January 1, but pulled back after a major counterattack. The diversion was successful in pinning Soviet units that could otherwise have deployed north against Konrad I in the Gerecse Mountains.
On January 18, the 1st Panzer Division again assaulted Osi and captured it after breaching significant fortifications and minefields. From there, the 1st Panzer was able to push on the Lake Velence.

Campaign: The Germans have been unable to take Osi in two weeks’ hard fighting that has taken a toll on the German infantry. The Germans are now attempting to bypass Osi through some rough, swampy terrain to the west of the town. Spotting this via aerial reconnaissance during a break in the weather, the Soviets are scrambling to plug the gap. The Germans need to secure the Osi-Berhida highway to enable an armored flanking maneuver around Osi.
  • German Player - @Guardsman
  • Soviet Player - @Monty’s Mighty Moustache
  • Battle type – Meeting Engagement
  • Battle size – Medium
  • Length of Battle – 45 minutes
  • Map Selection– Human
  • Map: “OK Osi Rd3 West Meet.btt”
  • Region – Eastern Europe
  • Year/Month – January 1945
  • Daylight – Day
  • Weather – Light Snow
  • Ground condition - Light Snow
  • Temperature - Freezing
  • Rarity – Standard
  • German Service - German Army
  • Soviet Service - Soviet Guards
  • Combat Forces – Mix
  • Unit Purchase – Human
  • Map Preview – Preview Allowed
  • Force Adjustments – None
  • Difficulty Level = Elite
Puszta - Balatonfokajar:
@Shady Side vs @Spoogles

Historical: IV. SS-Pz.Korps launched its attack between Lake Balaton on January 18, 1945 as part of Operation Konrad III, with the optimistic goals of reaching the Danube, encircling the Soviet 4th Guards Army deployed west of Budapest, and relieving Budapest itself. The 3rd Panzer Division met light resistance and was able to drive south south-west to the Sarviz Canal on the main axis of attack and the Sio Canal on the operation’s right flank. The 5th SS Panzer Division ran into resistance from the 1st Guards Fortified Region troops in Balatonfokajar, and spent the day clearing out the infantry and machine gun nests from the town before being able to advance to the Malom Canal en route to the Sarviz.

Campaign: The second week of Operation Konrad was devastating for the Germans. The 3rd Panzer Division was rendered combat ineffective and was pulled from the line after multiple attempts to storm the city. The commander of 3rd Panzer had been relieved, and his replacement was able to make better progress, but ultimately the German infantry came up short. The German 96th Infantry Division has been brought in to bolster the line. After heavy rocket and air bombardment from both sides, the main portion of Balatonfokajar was destroyed and both sides had to pull back from the grinder. With the 1st Guards Mech Corps known to be in the area, both sides are racing to occupy the remaining, southwest portion of Balatonfokajar and the key stream crossing points needed for further German advance into the Puszta.
  • German Player - @Shady Side
  • Soviet Player - @Spoogles
  • Battle type – Meeting Engagement
  • Battle size – Medium
  • Length of Battle – 45 minutes
  • Map Selection– Human
  • Map: “OK Balatonfokajar Rd3 ME.btt”
  • Region – Eastern Europe
  • Year/Month – January 1945
  • Daylight – Day
  • Weather – Light Snow
  • Ground condition - Light Snow
  • Temperature - Freezing
  • Rarity – Standard
  • German Service - German Army
  • Soviet Service - Soviet Guards
  • Combat Forces – Mix
  • Unit Purchase – Human
  • Map Preview – Preview Allowed
  • Force Adjustments – None
  • Difficulty Level = Elite
Do we also learn before the start which unit/battalion is fielded by each side in the battles?
On tracks 1-3 this can be deduced from the conditions, but at Balatonfokajar I see no way of finding out what @Shady Side will be up against.
Length of Battle – 40 minutes - Note this in longer than previous Budapest games, based on map size
I only see 30 and 45 minute options in QB setup.