[PIC GALLERY] Household Pets

Just in case you were in any doubt, here he is again..............Jake............

I was. Now I'm not. :shockaroona:

He might not be so calm in an hour when he has to go to the (whisper) V.E.T. .........having his nails clipped.

Back from the V.E.T. now.........to say he wasn't keen is a bit of an understatement, but after some grappling and much gnashing of teeth ( and that was just me) , we got the job done.

He's now sat at my feet like butter wouldn't melt...........the joys of owning a pet!!
This is Pup. She is blind and mostly deaf now in her advanced age. Since she was rescued as a puppy, she’s been my constant companion and friend. We are spending our final years looking after each other, as we always have. Retirement has not gone well for me, but Pup has kept it tolerable. I doubt I would be here now if it wasn’t for her.
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The most loyal of companions, I would not be without mine either - therapy for the soul.

Keep well both.

Good there are people like You, comrade! I could get out of myself everytime I see or hear such stuff. And I ask me all the time how it comes that some people seem to not care for anything except themselfs and others do such nice and social things one could cry because of their deeds. And another thing I don´t understand is why there are "licenses" for dogs (especially fighting dogs) if there aren´t any licenses for their owners. May it be as it wants to be - I thanki You and Your wife for Your kindness concerning animals!

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