
Propaganda broadside made in Dec 1942, during WW2, to celebrate the conquests made by Japan across the Asia-Pacific region, published in Fascist Spain. - The work was issued in the Castilian language in Fascist Spain, likely sponsored by an unknown agent of the Nazi German government. The focus of the work is a powerful map that shows the entire theatre of the war, extending from India, across East Asia, and then all the way over to the west coast of North America. Japan enjoys the pride of place, with bright arrows branching out in all directions, showing the paths and targets of Japanese conquests and attacks. Indeed, by this time, Japan had vanquished all British, American and Dutch positions in East Asia, and was mounting sporadic attacks upon Allied positions as far war as Alaska and Sri Lanka. The red cloud which rests over East Asia shows the extent of Japanese conquests to date, while imperial Japan Rising Sun flag flies over the scene in the upper-left corner. The balance of the composition is filled with photographs and rhetorical text that proclaims how Japan is mowing down its opposition.
On 1943 the fuel company advertisement describing the war efforts of Texaco and the American public. The advertisement takes the form of a Japanese military officer (Hideki Tojo maybe?) bowing before the Emperor (unseen) and bemoaning the might of the American military and general public.
…and the spurs.

Looking for a picture of Tojo I found this.

“TOKYO – Until recently, the location of executed wartime Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo's remains was one of World War II's biggest mysteries in the nation he once led.

Now, a Japanese university professor has revealed declassified U.S. military documents that appear to hold the answer.
The documents show the cremated ashes of Tojo, one of the masterminds of the Pearl Harbor attack, were scattered from a U.S. Army aircraft over the Pacific Ocean about 30 miles (50 kilometers) east of Yokohama, Japan’s second-largest city, south of Tokyo.

It was a tension-filled, highly secretive mission, with American officials apparently taking extreme steps meant to keep Tojo's remains, and those of six others executed with him, away from ultra-nationalists looking to glorify them as martyrs. The seven were hanged for war crimes just before Christmas in 1948, three years after Japan’s defeat.”

Interesting story:

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