Players Wanted for CMBN on new QB maps


Will S

Looking to play some QB's on the maps pictured below. Both of the maps have been taken from CMBN scenarios and re-scored for H2H Quick Battle play. I would be up for a single or mirror game on these maps. Both maps are scored as "probes", and have objectives of varying importance.

Standard house rules would apply. No pre-planned arty/air by the defender, and no purposeful targeting/engaging of forces in the attackers setup zone. The attacker will use their setup area for staging purposes only. Up for other conditions/limitations as well if there are any that suit your fancy. Games will be Iron level, for ladder.

The larger map (approx 1.5 x 1.7 k) is from the NorMons Scenario, originally by Jon Sowden. I decreased the size slightly and redid some terrain to better shield the attackers setup area. I added new objectives and edited elevations in a few areas of the map. There are six objectives.

Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 11.06.03 AM.png

Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 11.05.35 AM.png

The following medium size map (.7km x1.2km) is from the H2H scenario "Under the eyes of the White Manor". I did very little to this map. I just reworked the setup zones slightly and added new objectives (4) and scored it as a QB probe.

Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 3.52.35 PM.pngScreen Shot 2018-02-13 at 3.53.02 PM.png

Both of these maps are light years beyond the stock QB maps and should offer a superior experience. Let me know if you're up for the challenge.

Cheers - WS
Got one map spoken for. One is still open. Working on a few more.
@WinOrLose Great. The NorMons map is the one that's still up for grabs. Putting the final touches on a couple of other ones also. I'll send you a PM and let you look it all over.
Just realised I have challenged the club champion............
I'd be happy to play the bigger map if you still had a slot open.
@Fuchs Win or Lose and I are starting a game on the larger map in which I am attacking. I would be open to defending that area in another game. Also have a couple of other scenario map redo's I am working on which should be done in a day or two and maybe one of those would strike your interest. Let me know.
Happy to accomodate as our current mirror will end very soon, or, something else if you so chose.
@WilLS Sure I am happy to wait a couple of days for another map. Just let me know when you are ready (I always prefer a bigger sized map if there is any choice :)).
Yes, that's fine, send new files when we finish current games, which should be real soon.
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