Rate the five battles

Battle 1 - Dirty Fight - rating 10 - like: the map, originality, the tank crew surprised when they wake up, l like to play canandians - dislike: a little unbalanced for Italians with harmless tanks.
Battle 2 - Schooled - rating 6 - like: the map, the town - dislike: difficult to find a good line of sight for the 88, too much tanks (AI was disrupted by my animation mods, which ruined the game, the infantry was unmanageable. Problem since resolved).
Battle 3 - Ambush - rating 9 - like: map, very scared from US side because a lot of Pz :eek:- dislike: a lot of Pz :eek:
Battle 4 - Break and Breach - rating: 8 - like: the map desert, number of armored forces - dislike: kill zone at the start of battle.
Battle 5 - Night Moves - rating 7 - like: the map , originality - dislike: not enough soldiers for such a large map.

I enjoyed playing all of his games, great work on the map and the variety of units. So thank you for this tournament, and I'm up for other adventures :2charge: