The Book of Boba Fett [Disney+]

After having seen Star Wars: Rogue One, The Mandalorian and now Boba Fett it pains me to think how much better six of the Star Wars movie could have been
if somebody competent had been in charge.
Yeah, I agree. #unpopular opinion there - well unpopular with some Star Wars fans but really it is surprising how repetitive and simplistic they made the follow on six movies. I was disappointed too.
Yeah it pretty good, sort of harkens back to some of the series from my younger days where each episode is sort of the same. This brings the reliability of consistently knowing what you are going to get.

However, the difference is it binds it up into telling a story throughout the entire season.

I agree about this jumping around to different time periods. Its spread into many shows and is getting a bit old.
I have no problem with the story jump. If he gets in his little chamber then there ya' go again. I like learning the back stories.
For instance, I did not know his assassin buddy is mostly robotic!! She also gets most of the good lines.
I've finished the 4 episodes now and really am enjoying it. I have always loved Star Wars and it's nice to see it done well from time to time.
My only complaint, such as it is, is that I find the actor playing Boba Fett to be just a bit on the boring side. Could he possibly be less involved
in the role than the way he plays it. If he wants to be Clint Eastwood then he desperately needs the charisma to keep him interesting. It looks
like a fail to me.
Is this one similar to The Mandalorian? I tried to watch that one but gave up after two episodes as it was too silly and too boring.
I felt it was fun, but less good than The Mandalorian. It was a bit weird when it became that show for two episodes.

I find Boba way too mellow for a crimelord - hasn't he seen Scarface on catch-up?

"Sorry I'm not going to participate in your gang war" says some lower capo...

FENNEC! Whack him! Throw his entrails to the Rancor and put his head outside on a spike to discourage others.

No, he lets him go.

Still, going to keep watching.