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The FGM was attacked...


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Guys I was on night shift last night and in the early hours of the morning I tried to log on but was hit with a server error. I tried throughout the night but didn't have the tools with me to do anything about it and had to wait until I finished my night shift to race home and fix it.

I spoke to Dutch Grenadier via Facebook private message at about 6am this morning as he was aware something was wrong...

Needless to say 2 cups of coffee and some gnashing of teeth later Ive managed to fix it. Someone hit us with a DoS (denial of service) attack last night from somewhere. 2500 attempted log ins in the space of a very short time shot down our server and database. It basically fried it.


I have managed to repair it and get us running again. I hope it was a random strike but if someone wants us off we are going to have a battle on our hands... well I am. Needless to say... half an hour after fixing the database and no errors logged so fingers crossed.... sorry for the outage. Im going to bed.

Aha, thanks for the update ... wondered what that was when I tried to log int his morning.

Hope there's no repeat attack ... because an FGM'er going cold turkey is not a pretty sight at the best of times. :shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz::shocknaz:
Checked in at work and saw the error. For a moment thought work had blocked forums access. :p

Do we know what other forums or company sites share the same server as the FGM? Perhaps we were in the ling of fire so to speak?
What a pain in the arse! Well done and thank you for your work and effort.